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Bug 500172 - UML: Cannot change font on some objects
UML: Cannot change font on some objects
Product: dia
Classification: Other
Component: objects
Other All
: High enhancement
: 0.98
Assigned To: Dia maintainers
Dia maintainers
: 631513 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-11-28 11:21 UTC by Andrew Ferrier
Modified: 2010-10-06 22:06 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Andrew Ferrier 2007-11-28 11:21:45 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Some UML objects (such as Object and Message) do not allow you to change the font. In particular, the lack of font size editing means that any complex diagram often ends up hard to read, because the text is too small.

Steps to reproduce:
N/A - functionality does not exist.

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Lars Clausen 2007-12-02 08:27:47 UTC
Agreed, this is a problematic lack.  The exact objects are Dependency, Realizes, Generalization, Association, Implements, Constraint, LargePackage, Object, Message,  and Transition.  Patches are welcome, but should be careful that old diagrams stay the same.
Comment 3 Hans Breuer 2010-10-06 22:06:18 UTC
*** Bug 631513 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***