GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 44299
OpenOffice & sourceXchange & other web sites display as text / html source
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC is a default nautilus bookmark. This problem always occurs because the web server returns "text/html" as the content type. The page is viewed as text in source mode every time when selecting the SourceXchange bookmark. To observe the content-type being served: telnet 80 then type "HEAD / HTTP/1.0" and press enter twice. wait for the response. ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 08:18:33 ---- Returning "text/html" for the MIME type should be the normal behavior for web pages, so this doesn't explain why it is defaulting to View as Text. ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 09:58:45 ---- I suspect that "view as text" was selected at some point in Nautilus, and going back to that bookmark would then display as html source until "view as web page" was selected. We should verify this. (In this case, this may be a usability bug, potentially addressed by a preferences setting, but not for PR2) ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 09:59:57 ---- I mis-spoke. The server is returning: Content-type: text/plain ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 10:33:35 ---- Yes, I can reproduce this bug, and it is indeed returning text/plain for the MIME type. ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 11:12:02 ---- OpenOffice, another default bookmark, also displays as text as well. (Note that OpenOffice, like sourceXchange, is a website, so it may be the same problem if done by the same people --- haven't investigated.) ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 11:26:05 ---- Note that GET's return text/html on these sites. Maybe all non-DAV HTTP sites returning text/plain should be changed to text/html so that they go to mozilla? ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 11:58:15 ---- This also occurs with the ZDNet Linux site, which is a current (10/25) default bookmark --- ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 19:06:26 ---- For you Mathieu. "Just use GET" ------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-31 21:20:28 ---- the 2 sites given as example work now. ------- Additional Comments From 2000-11-01 14:46:11 ---- Re-opening; default bookmark is treated as plain text, and also not even displayed. (tested on Nov 1 12:19:04 RPM build) Mathieu, I can fork this into a separate bug report if you'd like, but am re-opening in interim due to PR2 criticality. ------- Additional Comments From 2000-11-01 15:10:06 ---- We think that we should switch all 302's and 301's to return text/html ------- Additional Comments From 2000-11-01 20:17:41 ---- Verified fixed in Nov 1st. 16:45 RPM build. However, I do note that none of these web sites display a web page size in the sidebar; will fork as separate bug (possible GNOME-VFS problem, per sullivan.) ------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-09-09 20:45 ------- Bug blocks bug(s) 44314.