GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 402957
generates chat script with invalid modem init string
Last modified: 2012-11-24 20:30:20 UTC
That bug has been opened on "network-admin creates a chatscript that contains the modem initialization string "AT&FH0M0" which is invalid. First, it is IMHO not good to initialize the modem back to factory defaults without prompting the user(&F). Second, if there is anything after the AT&F it needs to include the profile number first. That is, AT&F is valid (the modem assumes profile 0) but AT&FH0 is incorrect (because 'H' is not a valid parameter for &F) Note that the last statement is not necessarily correct for all modems, but I believe it is for many, and it definitely is for mine. Further, all modems which support the AT command set should accept an AT&F0 -- that is, 'AT&F0H0M0' should be correct in more cases than 'AT&FH0M0' ... This bug appears in Feisty."
According to its developer(s), gnome-system-tools is not under active development anymore. Functionality has been mostly integrated into GNOME Control Center / "[System] Settings". It is unlikely that there will be any further active development. Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping - Please feel free to reopen this bug report in the future if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again.