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Bug 356003 - Here is a quick howto on adding accessibility to an app to be tested using dogtail.
Here is a quick howto on adding accessibility to an app to be tested using do...
Product: dogtail
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Examples
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Dogtail Maintainers
Dogtail Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-09-14 18:42 UTC by Nurdin Premji
Modified: 2011-02-07 06:07 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Nurdin Premji 2006-09-14 18:42:43 UTC
Section: Not in documentation (yet).

Correct version:
Here is how to set up standard widgets so that they can be seen by dogtail.

All Gtk widgets have associated accessibility objects. What dogtail needs is for these widgets to be given names so they can be more easily accessed.

In order to do this in Gtk C code do the following (assuming the widget you are looking at is called myWidget:

GtkWidget * widget = myWidget;
AtkObject *myAccessibility = gtk_widget_get_accessibility(widget);
atk_object_set_name(myAccessibility, _("My Name"));
atk_object_set_description(myAccessibility, _("My Description."));

_("") is for internationalization purposes if you so choose.

This is all dogtail needs to be able to access this widget by name.

In terms of java-gnome, the easiest thing to do is to open up the glade file and click on the accessibility tab (far right) and give a name and description.

In java-gnome, if you can't use the glade accessibility, the code is very similar:

AtkObject obj = widget.getAccessible();
obj.setName("My Name");
obj.setDescription("My Description");

This should give you accessibility for all standard widgets.

Other information:
Currently this text is hosted on:

but it seems as though this information would be usefull to anyone who wants to be testing using dogtail. If you host this, then we can link to that page in our faq.

Thank you.
Comment 1 Fabio Durán Verdugo 2011-02-07 06:07:12 UTC
dogtail development has been stalled and it has been unmaintained for a few
years now.
Maintainers don't have future development plan so i am closing bugs as WONTFIX.
Please feel free to reopen the bugs in future if anyone takes the responsibility for active development.