GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 354587
selection unit should be more dependent on the language tokenizer
Last modified: 2014-12-25 20:05:43 UTC
The plain gtktextview widget does not provide means to control selection unit definition, and instead provides some wired-in defaults. It might be fitting for plain text (which, in fact, some might find arguable), but does not work as well for structured text, which is what gtksourceview is designed to represent. For example -- let`s say we have a language definition which specifies hexadecimal numbers as its tokens. When you double-click most language tokens (except things like, say, line comments, which you`d prefer to be treated like plain text) you expect it to be treated as a selection unit, and hence selected as a whole. However gtktextview`s wired-in plaintext defaults will split the token into pieces, and you will have 0x0aea0fed treated as six tokens. The proposal is to: - have the language spec extended with selection unit semantics, so as to distinguish between language objects meaned to be treated as selection units (keywords, various numbers, strings(?), etc) and those not meaned to (line and block comments, something else(?)) - create a hidden-from-user mechanism to manage widget`s text selection units.
I agree that this would be a useful enhancement. I use the Anjuta IDE, which uses gtksourceview as an editor component; double clicking on C identifiers in Anjuta currently does not select the entire identifier, which is too bad.
Now when i thought about it, it appears that GtkTextView would have to be extended with a full-blown regexp matcher of its own, to be able to provide the necessary functionality to GtkSourceView. Either this, or, specification of selection units on a case-by-case basis, which i assume would be severely suboptimal.
*** Bug 340949 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This sounds like it could be something built into the syntax highlighting definitions for a language. e.g. for every language I use, if a "word" was delimited by whitespace, or characters of a different colour, then this would give the correct behaviour. But, it also depends on what you expect for an identifier like "this_is_an_identifier", personally, I consider that to be one word (since it is one token), but I believe that some people exist who think it is 4.
There is a plug-in that makes this configurable: The general approach looks nice, but the UI is a bit super-ultra-configurable. Maybe the backend bits of this plug-in could be moved to the core/the syntax highlighting definitions, with the UI being a separate plug-in.
*** Bug 500515 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Here's a proposal for solving this longstanding annoyance. I propose the following simple extension to .lang files to allow them to specify word units. Today, .lang files contain <context> elements with regular expressions that define various elements for syntax highlighting. Let's define a new context class "word", and say that if a .lang file contains a <context> element with this class then that context defines language-specific word units. We'll use these units for selecting on double click, moving by ctrl+arrow and any other word-related operations. Word units will be recognized anywhere in a document except inside any context that has the existing class "string", where we'll fall back on the existing word boundary mechanism. I think we should recognize word units even inside comments, which often contain identifiers or other code fragments. Today most word-related operations including word selection and moving by words are implemented in GtkTextView, which in turn calls GtkTextIter to look for word boundaries. GtkTextIter in turn asks Pango where word boundaries lie. We can add two new signals is_word_start() and is_word_end() to GtkTextBuffer. GtkTextIter will now call these signals to find out if a position is a word boundary. The default implementation of these signals will call Pango. GtkSourceBuffer can override these signals with its own implementation of word boundaries. If a document's .lang file doesn't specify any context with class="word", then the signals will just fall back on the default signal handlers which call Pango. Anyway, that's my proposed design. Feedback is welcome.
The part about lang files makes sense, even if I'd probably go with a word boundary regex (similar to the one that can be configured in gnome-terminal). The hard part is changing gtktextview (or even better pango), because doing it in gtksourceview is too much of a hack in my opinion. There are various mail threads in the past about this subject. For instance I also remember that Behdad was open to the idea of exposinf proper api in pango, though these days there is not much work done on pango at all :(
Thanks for the feedback, Paolo. Today, neither GtkTextView or Pango has any knowledge of lang files, and that seems right to me - they describe various languages, which is what GtkSourceView is all about. So to make GtkTextView or Pango know about those files would seem like a greater hack in my opinion. If you agree, then only GtkSourceView will know where the word boundaries should be. I see a few possible approaches: 1. As I suggested above, have signals is_word_start and is_word_end which GtkTextView can call to find out where words start and end. 2. Have signals such as move_forward_word, move_backward_word, select_word and so on which GtkTextView can call to perform those operations. GtkSourceView can reimplement them using its own understanding of word boundaries. 3. Instead of using signal callbacks, GtkSourceView could reimplement operations by handling key and mouse events itself. For example, when the user double clicks, GtkSourceView could implement its own select word operation without calling GtkTextView to do that. I lean toward (1) because I think (2) and (3) will take code that already exists in GtkTextView and duplicate it in GtkSourceView to some extent. I also worry that (3) would be fragile since if anyone used a GtkTextIter to iterate by words through the document, that would use different word boundaries than those used by GtkSourceView.
I guess a fourth possible approach would be to have GtkSourceView pass a word boundary regex down to GtkTextView somehow. Then GtkTextView would need to use regular expressions (which maybe it doesn't today), but wouldn't need to know about lang files. The problem with this is that we might want word boundaries to be context-dependent - for example, perhaps inside strings they should be different from outside. But if they need to be the same everywhere in a source file, I could live with that, and making them configurable at all would still certainly be a huge improvement over what we have today.
I agree with Adam that implementing word selection for lang files does not belong to pango... maybe to GtkTextView to some extent. I would go for 3) since this would give you more flexibility, no need to modify Gtk+. Afterwards, when you have an working implementation, we could see which modifications would allow for better code reuse. I don't know, it is just my opinion :)
Oh... I will have to shoot to my self. :) After reading Unicode spec, I believe that some of the fixes for this bug should go into pango. See for more info where, for instance, it says we should not break between between numbers and letters when they are adjacent. So these more basic things would already improve a lot the situation. Then of course, we need more tailored situations for different lang files, but fixing the basic stuff in pango would benefit the whole stack :)
I just found the relevant pango bug. See
I did not mean that gtk or pango would need to be aware of lang files, I meant that we would call a set_word_boundary api on textview and this in turn would call a pango api on each pango layout The api could even set this on a text tag so that we could have different boundaries for different contexts, though I am not sure if that is actually a good idea or if it makes the user experience unpredictable and annoying...
Ah. Paolo, did you mean that GtkSourceView would call set_word_boundary once for each word boundary in the document? Or that it would call set_word_boundary just once, passing a regular expression or pattern that woudl allow GtkTextView to figure out where the boundaries are? It sounds like you may have meant the former. If so, then every time the buffer changes presumably we'd need to scan over it and set all the word boundaries again, which I worry would be slow. Or maybe we could be smart and only set word boundaries in the area of the buffer that actually changed, but I think that may be more complicated.
I meant just once or at worse only on the text tags surrounding specific contexts if we really want different boundaries for code and comments
I've thought about this more and I now lean toward the following approach. GtkSourceView can pass GtkTextView a set of characters to be used for grouping words. For the C language, for example, this set will look like this: A-Za-z0-9_$ We can use regular expression notation to define the set, but this is only a set of characters - not a full-blown regular expression. GtkTextView will consider any cluster of characters in that set to be a single word. Outside such clusters, it will continue to use Pango to choose word boundaries. So, for example, a comment in a C source file could contain Japanese text and word breaking would still work fine there. I like this approach because it is ultra simple, doesn't require word boundary callbacks, and is a big improvement over what we have today. This is also pretty much how gnome-terminal handles word selection, by the way (in its "Select-by-word characters" preference). One more detail: for languages such as Python 3 which allow identifiers to contain various classes of Unicode characters, I think the .lang files for those languages should probably exclude Asian characters when defining character sets for word breaking in this way. (If they included them, then word breaking would fail in comments in Asian languages.) So then if an identifier consisted of, say, several Chinese words (probably not a common case) and the user clicked on it then they'd select only one of those words. That would be probably be fine, and is how gedit works today anyway.
Adam, for what it is word. I just pushed a patch to pango that fixes the "123foo" is two words thing. For the more complicated features you want here, it might be good to ping Behdad. I was discussing with him today on IRC and as always, he is very responsive and aware of the issues described in this bug (and also willing to support some new API in pango that would allow us to fix this bug)
Thanks, José. It's good to hear that Behdad is aware of this bug and potentially willing to help (I'm adding him to the cc list). I wasn't actually thinking we'd make any changes to Pango in addressing this bug, however. Pango knows about different human languages and how to break words in them, but changing those rules to adapt to various computer languages seems like something that can easily be handled outside Pango. But I don't feel strongly about this; if the Gtk and/or Pango developers think this belongs at the Pango layer then that's fine. Paolo, do you have an opinion about that? I don't think it will be a large change in any case.
Eventually I like to add API to Pango that would allow customizing word boundaries. But we're far from that actually happening. For now, I think a solution in GtkTextView may be preferable.
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that there is a $200 bounty on this issue at Bountysource:
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that there is a $200 bounty on this issue at Bountysource:
*** Bug 724865 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The word boundaries in GtkTextView are based only on natural-language words. I've filed bug #727972 for having the same behavior as in Vim, i.e. having word boundaries also for non-natural-language words. With that bug fixed, maybe overriding the GtkTextView word boundaries in GtkSourceView is no longer needed.
I've made good progress. See bug #562767 and: The custom word boundaries are implemented like in Vim. I proposed to implement this behavior directly in GtkTextView (see bug #530405), but the advantage with a virtual function in GtkTextBuffer is that GtkSourceView can have a completely different implementation in the future if we want, it is more flexible. But GtkTextView-only users won't benefit from the enhanced word boundaries.
What's the status of this? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem that Adam Dingle in Comment #17 (which is my favored approach) suggested an approach that is different from the patch posted in Comment #25.
The patches simply need a review. Mathias Clasen already made some comments for the patches in GTK+. He proposed another solution that I don't like, and I've explained why. Note that with my solution the underscore is added to the group of characters for "normal" words (i.e. not the punctuation). This can be easily extended to support what Adam proposed, except that A-Za-z0-9 is already part of the characters for "normal" words (since the implementation uses the natural-language word boundaries of Pango).
*** Bug 580495 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Finished: The ::extend-selection signal has been added to GtkTextView (see bug #111503). The custom word boundaries implemented in GtkSourceView are roughly the same boundaries as in Vim. The boundaries are generic (not specific to a particular language) and are normally suitable for a wide range of languages, including natural languages and programming languages. I don't think customization is needed (FWIW in Vim I haven't seen an option for word boundaries), but if it would be really useful for a specific language, more flexibility can be added later.
Merged! The most important commits (on the GtkSourceView side): Ignacio said it's a good enough solution. So we can consider this bug as fixed. If for some specific use cases the word boundaries are not suitable, another bug can be opened or this one can be reopened, to implement a more flexible solution where customization is possible (e.g. set whether the underscore is part of a word, or add other special characters).