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Bug 349950 - Totem manual still mentions the optical device path preference
Totem manual still mentions the optical device path preference
Product: totem
Classification: Core
Component: documentation
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Maintainers of Gnome user documentation
Maintainers of Gnome user documentation
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-08-04 15:30 UTC by Sebastien Bacher
Modified: 2006-08-12 08:14 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.15/2.16

Description Sebastien Bacher 2006-08-04 15:30:24 UTC
That bug has been described on

"I am using Totem 1.4.1, with xine-lib 1.1.1 in Ubuntu 6.06. While using the application, open the help file by pressing 'F1'. Choose the chapter entitled 'Preferences' in the table of contents. In section '4.1. General' in this chapter, the documentiation mentions, among others, the following controls:

 * Optical device path drop-down list box.
 * Add Proprietry Plugins button

These controls are not visible/missing if you actually open the Preferences dialog in totem.

Either these options need to be enabled in the version of totem distributed with Ubuntu, or the manual needs to be updated."

the proprietary plugins button reference has been dropped but totem 1.5.90 still mentions the optical device path preference
Comment 1 Joachim Noreiko 2006-08-12 08:14:58 UTC
Fixed in CVS.