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Bug 349281 - Help kill libegg
Help kill libegg
Product: libgoffice
Classification: Other
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Blocks: 349256
Reported: 2006-07-30 11:19 UTC by Vincent Untz
Modified: 2006-09-24 02:02 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Vincent Untz 2006-07-30 11:19:17 UTC
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #349256 +++

Please help kill libegg. Your module contains some egg code that is now deprecated thanks to new features, most probably the new GTK+ 2.10 features like:

 + GtkRecent* (deprecating EggRecent)
 + GtkStatusIcon (deprecating EggTrayIcon and EggStatusIcon)
 + GtkCellRendererAccel (deprecating EggCellRendererKeys)
 + GtkAccelGroup now has features to deprecate EggAccelerator (see bug 85780)

Also, egg-screen-exec stuff has been deprecated: see*checkout*/libegg/libegg/screen-exec/README

Also, EggIconList has become GtkIconView in GTK+ 2.6.
Comment 1 Morten Welinder 2006-07-31 20:15:25 UTC
What?  We do not link libegg.

We do have some included libegg code. although I am not sure to what
extent it is used.  But until GtkRecent makes it into gtk+ 2.6 I do
not see much choice.

So, what's the point of this bug?
Comment 2 Vincent Untz 2006-07-31 20:56:30 UTC
It's not about linking to libegg (which is not possible). The goal is to stop the egg* files proliferation: everybody is copying them, modifying them, etc.

So this is a bug to remind you that when possible, you should stop using egg files and move to the gtk+ widgets/objects.

If you can't depend on GTK+ 2.10 now, then please keep this bug around until you can.

libegg should only be used as a module where the code can be developped before being adopted in gtk+/glib/some-other-library. It's not code that we want to see everywhere like this happened. That's what we're trying to fix now.
Comment 3 Jody Goldberg 2006-09-24 02:02:03 UTC
We never got around to actually using this code.