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Bug 346033 - No-more collection/directory view
No-more collection/directory view
Product: eog
Classification: Core
Component: collection
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: EOG Maintainers
EOG Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-06-27 14:28 UTC by Klaus Kappel
Modified: 2006-07-13 14:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.13/2.14

Description Klaus Kappel 2006-06-27 14:28:06 UTC
Please describe the problem:
After update from UBUNTU 5.10 to 6.04, eog loses ability to display
directories. in other words eog only displays single images.

Steps to reproduce:

1.  select dir, containing jpegs in nautilus
2.  right click
3.  chose EOG or as in German "Bildbetrachter

Actual results:
EOG window apears, content section remains grey.

Expected results:
Album or collection view, slideshow, etc

Does this happen every time?
commandline ($eog /my/jpeg/dir) is the same thing

Other information:
as UBUNTU launchpad refers to gnomezilla, and the distro (LTS) aims to
remain some years, i asume this issue severe.
Comment 1 Lucas Rocha 2006-07-12 20:21:07 UTC
I cannot reproduce this bug on latest EOG (HEAD). Did you try to open other directories with images inside? The ability to display directories with EOG is still there.
Comment 2 kkappel 2006-07-12 23:05:05 UTC
Of course I tried several dirs. They are on the same ext3 partition, some have already thumbs, the newer ones create thumbs only when touching the single icon.

Again, the problem apeared after upgrading UBUNTU 5.10 (including current fixes) to UBUNTU dapper DVD. Online updates are ok.

sources.conf is:
deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531.2)]/ dapper main restricted
deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse
deb dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src dapper main restricted universe multiverse

Version in synaptic shows something obscure: 
2.14.2-0ubuntu1 (now)
2.14.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper) ==> DVD version
Reverting to 2.12.1 does not help.

I use german Language extations.

The menu offers no longer: "Ordner öffnen","Open dir.." 
but still shows: "Ansicht, Bildersammlung", "View, Collection F9" 

Is it possible, that older keys in gnome-registry or ~/.gnome-foo..
caused this behavior?

Comment 3 Lucas Rocha 2006-07-13 03:16:18 UTC
Ah, you mean "There's no menu entry for opening directories on EOG", right? You're right. It was removed as part of user interface revamp. I have to agree with you that it's not correct to have feature that is only available from command line. On the other hand, I'd like to have a UI more centered on *images* not on filesystem stuff such as directories. Added 'usability' keyword to get some help from GUP guys.
Comment 4 kkappel 2006-07-13 08:29:13 UTC
OK, the "missing" menu entry is a "feature", not a bug ;-)

but I cannot use the Collection feature (neighter right-clicking nor commandline), which is a worthy and handy feature i don't want to loose! It's much better than alternatives, and was fully integrated in gnome. for the future i would have suggested, givin' it the status of a nautilus dir-view.

I am aware, that it seems more a distribution problem, could you suggest, what might have caused this behavior.

the eog version on the live-dvd seems to work as expected.
Comment 5 kkappel 2006-07-13 08:37:00 UTC
Ok, I found out:

My Cam is using ".JPG" in big letters.
File, open (Type: all images) shows only imagenames using small-letter .jpg

this changed occured with the UBUNTU update!
Comment 6 Lucas Rocha 2006-07-13 14:51:49 UTC
I still cannot reproduce this bug neither with EOG 2.14.2 nor EOG 2.15.4. I'm sure this is not an uptream problem. Probably, a distribution specific bug. 

I suggest you to report on Ubuntu Bug Tracker. Closing this bug. Thanks for your report!