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Bug 342743 - Wrong PIN is cached in PIN/TAN and HBCI/aqbanking
Wrong PIN is cached in PIN/TAN and HBCI/aqbanking
Product: GnuCash
Classification: Other
Component: Import - AqBanking
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Christian Stimming
Christian Stimming
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-05-23 21:23 UTC by Patrick Schoenbach
Modified: 2018-06-29 21:05 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Patrick Schoenbach 2006-05-23 21:23:24 UTC
If a wrong PIN was entered and PIN caching is enabled, the wrong PIN is still cached, and one has to restart the program to get rid of it. Furthermore, when the PIN has been entered wrongly, the error messages do not state that a wrong PIN has been entered.
Comment 1 Christian Stimming 2006-05-24 08:13:33 UTC
Thanks for reporting this bug. I know this has been an issue at times. Actually this depends a lot on the actual versions of aqbanking that you have in use -- which aqbanking is this? Which security medium? I totally agree that this is a bug (both the wrongly-cached PIN and a missing error message) and needs to be fixed.

And unfortunately right now the PIN-caching is done inside aqbanking and not inside gnucash, so we cannot directly fix this on the gnucash side. This might need to be reported at aqbanking, but for now we need to know the aqbanking version.
Comment 2 Patrick Schoenbach 2006-05-24 13:41:07 UTC
I am using aqbanking-2.0.0
Comment 3 Patrick Schoenbach 2006-05-24 13:42:59 UTC
Oops, I forgot to mention that the security medium is PIN/TAN.
Comment 4 Christian Stimming 2006-09-20 09:00:51 UTC
1. For security medium "keyfile" I cannot reproduce this -- a wrong PIN in that case will never be cached. For medium "PIN/TAN" I haven't been able to reproduce this because I don't have access to a PIN/TAN account. Can you check this with a recent aqbanking (2.2.1 is the latest) and especially can you check the messages on the console if the wrong PIN was entered (and erronerously cached)? With the console messages we might be able to fix this very quickly.

2. As for the error message: This should be fixed now with aqbanking SVN/CVS r1065 as of today (which will be released as 2.2.2 or higher). There will be a very clear error dialog if the PIN was wrong.
Comment 5 Christian Stimming 2006-10-10 08:52:15 UTC
Can you please upgrade to aqbanking-2.2.2 (released 2006-10-09) and see whether this problem still occurs? Thanks.
Comment 6 Christian Stimming 2006-11-04 21:34:28 UTC
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug if you can provide the information asked for.
Comment 7 Stephan Weber 2017-01-18 12:02:04 UTC
Problem persisting with gnucash 2.6.13 (WNT6.1) with PIN/TAN. Unfortunately I'm not able to determine the aqbanking version.
Comment 8 John Ralls 2018-06-29 21:05:16 UTC
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. This bug has been copied to Please update any external references or bookmarks.