GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 338257
entry mode (entriac) does not handle transparency
Last modified: 2006-07-10 11:30:27 UTC
This bug was originally filed as #361165 in the Debian BTS ( by Nicolas Évrard: Package: deskbar-applet Version: Severity: minor Hello, I tried changing my panel background colour and the deskbar applet did not react to this change. I think the applet should have it's border in the panel colour. The inner of the gtkEntry should also probably change it's colour. Here is a bit of code that should do it for the applet. If I have some time (hopefully this weekend I hope to get some) I'll try to create a real patch. def on_bckg_change(self, widget, background, colour, pixmap): logger.debug('New background: %s,%s,%s' % (background, colour, pixmap)) if background == gnomeapplet.NO_BACKGROUND: pass elif background == gnomeapplet.COLOR_BACKGROUND: self.applet.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, colour) elif background == gnomeapplet.PIXMAP_BACKGROUND: copy = self.applet.get_style().copy() copy.bg_pixmap[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = pixmap self.applet.set_style(copy) Thank you.
I am not sure whether this is a bug. Personally I use a semi-transparent panel and currently I have a rather dark wallpaper. There are probably some issues in situations like this. (Apart from the fact that transparency is currently a problem.) But I want to hear some "official" upstream opinion on this issue.
That patch is already merged in CVS head (i added slight modifications from your code snippet). However, it only works for button mode, then the buttons are transparent and the icon isn't. In entry mode, the entry has the corner that are not trasparent and so it is a bit ugly, especially on very dark backgrounds. There is no way around that i guess, unless you proof me wrong (and you're welcome to do that :))
Upstream doesn't want to fix that because it would break fitts law. Closing as the button mode is ok now