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Bug 336761 - Add the posibility to show year column
Add the posibility to show year column
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other All
: Low enhancement
: 2.x
Assigned To: Banshee Maintainers
Banshee Maintainers
Depends on: 338057
Reported: 2006-03-31 18:54 UTC by François Tissandier
Modified: 2006-07-12 21:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch to add the year column to the playlist view (2.92 KB, patch)
2006-04-15 18:16 UTC, Bertrand Lorentz
reviewed Details | Review
Patch to allow to search by year (1.27 KB, patch)
2006-04-15 18:50 UTC, Bertrand Lorentz
reviewed Details | Review
Updated patch to add the year column (5.25 KB, patch)
2006-04-16 18:29 UTC, Bertrand Lorentz
reviewed Details | Review
banshee-year-column.diff (7.70 KB, patch)
2006-07-12 10:54 UTC, Ruben Vermeersch
committed Details | Review

Description François Tissandier 2006-03-31 18:54:02 UTC
Comfort improvment: I want to play some songs of an artist, I filter on his
name, then I want to play some songs of one of his early albums, can't remember
the name though... mmmmm.... So filtering on the year of the album would help.
Currently there is no way to do this.
Comment 1 Germán Poo-Caamaño 2006-04-02 17:06:48 UTC
This is a feature that I miss also.  It would allow to play songs by era, for instance if would like to listen songs of '80 or '90 or whatever.

Visually, as user, I can follow the evolution of a musician. For some artists may be you know their evolution, but not for others.

I've added a gnome-love keyword.  It should be easy to fix.
Comment 2 Ruben Vermeersch 2006-04-10 19:27:13 UTC
Moving to the User Interface component.
Comment 3 Bertrand Lorentz 2006-04-15 18:16:57 UTC
Created attachment 63598 [details] [review]
Patch to add the year column to the playlist view

Pretty straightforward patch to add the "Year" column to the playlist view. Testers welcome !
Comment 4 Bertrand Lorentz 2006-04-15 18:50:45 UTC
Created attachment 63600 [details] [review]
Patch to allow to search by year

Here's a patch to add the year to the search criterias. Type in "2005" in the search box, and voila !
This patch can be applied independently from the previous patch.
Comment 5 Ruben Vermeersch 2006-04-15 19:40:25 UTC
Patches look good, is the year column always shown?
Comment 6 Bertrand Lorentz 2006-04-15 20:25:16 UTC
The year column is handled like the others. It can be hidden/shown through the "View/Columns..." menu option.
This was so easy to do, thanks to the nice design and code structure.
Comment 7 Germán Poo-Caamaño 2006-04-16 05:28:10 UTC
I just tested them and both of them works fine.  I only have a few simple comments.

- IMHO, the year column should not be shown by default.
- If the year is missing in the song, it should be shown as empty insted of "N/A".     "N/A" distract the attention.
- It is missing a ChangeLog entry.  Take a look at

While it is very comfortable to search by year, I have some doubts if searching in the year is valid when the "year column" is hidden.  I don't have an asnwer here, but it could be an usability issue.
Comment 8 Bertrand Lorentz 2006-04-16 18:29:59 UTC
Created attachment 63653 [details] [review]
Updated patch to add the year column

Here's a new version of the first patch, taking into account Germán's comments.
What has changed from the previous patch :
- If the year is missing, it is shown empty.
- GConf schema is added for the new entries. "Visibility" for the year column defaults to "false".
- Fixed the order of the "Rating", "Plays" and "Last played" columns.

It is indeed possible to search on the year column when it's hidden. It's the same for the others columns (Title, Artist, Album and Genre), so if it is an issue, this behaviour should be changed for all the columns.

Here's the missing Changelog entry :
	* src/PlaylistView.cs data/ Add the "Year" column to the playlist view.
Comment 9 Germán Poo-Caamaño 2006-04-17 14:45:12 UTC
The interface looks cleaner with this patch (63653) than the previous one.  Much better.

Respect to the ChangeLog (probably for the future) if this is included in the patch is much better that if it don't; because for the maintainer means less work.  Hence, the chances to be applied will increase :-)
Comment 10 Ruben Vermeersch 2006-07-12 10:54:28 UTC
Created attachment 68802 [details] [review]

I've cleaned up the patch to work with latest CVS, works like a charm.
Aaron: is this good to commit?

Add support for showing a year column and searching track by year. The year
column visibility defaults to false.

 ChangeLog               |    9 +++++++++
 data/ |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/PlayerInterface.cs  |    6 +++++-
 src/PlaylistView.cs     |   35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Comment 11 Ruben Vermeersch 2006-07-12 21:17:22 UTC
I've committed this one, we are going to replace the view soon, so enjoy it while it's there :-) (but we'll probably add year support to the new view too).