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Bug 336758 - crash on colour adjustments on powerpc32
crash on colour adjustments on powerpc32
Product: f-spot
Classification: Other
Component: Editing
Other All
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: F-spot maintainers
F-spot maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-03-31 18:18 UTC by sam tygier
Modified: 2006-12-01 23:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description sam tygier 2006-03-31 18:18:11 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
to reproduce.
open f-spot
import some jpegs
go to edit mode
click the convert to black and white
or click on colour adjust and move a slider.

Stack trace:
Starting new FSpot server

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.


in (wrapper managed-to-native) Cms.Profile:f_cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile (int,
e.InteropServices.HandleRef[]) <0xffffffff>
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Cms.Profile:f_cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile (int,
e.InteropServices.HandleRef[]) <0xec>
in Cms.Profile:CreateAbstract (int,double,double,double,double,double,Cms.GammaT
able[],Cms.ColorCIExyY,Cms.ColorCIExyY) <0x238>
in FSpot.Desaturate:GenerateProfile () <0x100>
in FSpot.ColorAdjustment:Adjust () <0x190>
in PhotoView:HandleDesaturateButtonClicked (object,System.EventArgs) <0xf4>
in (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_EventAr
gs (object,System.EventArgs) <0x8c>
in GLib.Signal:voidObjectCallback (intptr,intptr) <0x108>
in (wrapper native-to-managed) GLib.Signal:voidObjectCallback (intptr,intptr) <0
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main () <0xffffffff>
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main () <0x80>
in Gtk.Application:Run () <0xc>
in Gnome.Program:Run () <0x10>
in FSpot.Driver:Main (string[]) <0x6c8>
in (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void_string[] (object,i
ntptr,intptr,intptr) <0x64>

Native stacktrace:

        /usr/lib/ [0xfe74918]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfe36724]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb7d
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb6d720]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb8214c]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb832b8]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb836fc]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf2a4fe0]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf2a7404]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb7d
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb6ce3c]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb6d720]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb818ec]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb832b8]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb836fc]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf2a4f10]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf2a6444]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf396bd c]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb6ce3c]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb6d720]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb81c64]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb82fd4]
        /usr/lib/ [0xeb836fc]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf4b8654]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf394978]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf394ef8]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf1aa1ac]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfcf1544]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfcf593c]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfcf5d94]
        /usr/lib/ [0xf393cd8]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfe522c0]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfeb3d24]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfeb7628]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfebb2f4]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfe67598]
        /usr/lib/ [0xfe683a8]
        mono [0x10001650]
        /lib/ [0xfa578ec]
        /lib/ [0xfa57a34]

Other information:
f-spot crashes when adjusting colors or converting to black and white or sepia,
on jpegs.

this is on an up to date ubuntu dapper, f-spot 0.1.11-0ubuntu1 on powerpc.
also reported at
Comment 1 Larry Ewing 2006-03-31 19:26:31 UTC is a mono jit bug covering this issue.
Comment 2 Bengt Thuree 2006-05-17 15:42:20 UTC
Should this one be closed then, since the problem is in mono jit?
Comment 3 Larry Ewing 2006-07-20 19:44:42 UTC
re #2, lets keep it open to track the issue.
Comment 4 sam tygier 2006-10-06 06:48:03 UTC
this is still present in f-spot 0.2 in ubuntu edgy.

it is confirmed by someone on the ubuntu bug tracker, and by the mono developers.

the mono developers suggest fixing it in f-spot

"If this is code in f-spot that you can change it would be better long
term as well: passing structures bigger than 16 bytes by value should
be avoided in C# as in C because of performance." []
Comment 5 Larry Ewing 2006-12-01 23:30:26 UTC
I took another look at where we are actually using this and worked around the issue.  It should be fixed CVS and will be released in 0.3.1.