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Bug 326258 - Op sweetness
Op sweetness
Product: xchat-gnome
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: xchat-gnome maintainers
xchat-gnome maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-01-09 02:37 UTC by Olivier Le Thanh Duong
Modified: 2019-02-23 02:49 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Olivier Le Thanh Duong 2006-01-09 02:37:20 UTC
Xchat-gnome lacks majors features to help operators to easily manage their channels and that are present in xchat-gtk. If their channel get attacked they need to respond promptly so they don't have the time to type commands and would like a way to do eveything graphically

For exemple, the current UI lacks the ability to
1/ modify the channel's modes. In xchat you can do it with button near the channel topic. Others ideas would be to have a popup menu presenting the channel mode or a  channel op dialog a la mIRC ( )
2/ To op or voice user via the context menu
3/ To select multiple user in the userlist (to kick, ban, voice,... them)
4/ to access the ban list (it's not implemented)
Comment 1 Guillaume Desmottes 2006-01-09 11:55:12 UTC
It's more enhancements than really a bug.
But i agree, we should implement theses features.
Comment 2 John Richard Moser 2006-01-10 18:00:33 UTC
Very much so for multiple user selection and context menu op/voice
Comment 3 Alex 2007-02-24 23:27:27 UTC
Any status on these features?
Comment 4 André Klapper 2019-02-23 02:49:40 UTC
xchat-gnome is not under active development anymore.
Its codebase has been archived:

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect
reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather reactivate the project
to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the
responsibility for active development again.
You may want to switch to Hexchat (or another IRC client that suits you).