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Bug 322644 - User should not be able to add panel to center of virtual screen
User should not be able to add panel to center of virtual screen
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: panel
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: randr-tracker
Reported: 2005-11-28 12:42 UTC by Srirama Sharma
Modified: 2009-02-26 18:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Srirama Sharma 2005-11-28 12:42:03 UTC
From our internal bug database.

Steps to simulate:
 - Set system up to operate in horizontal xinerama mode.
 - Create a new panel.
 - Move the panel.

The panel can be moved to the top, bottom, left and right of  primary screen
Also the panel can be moved to the top, bottom, left and right of  secondary screen

Panel should only be allowed to locate at top and bottom of both screens or left
side of primary screen or right side of secondary screen.
The panel should not be allowed to position itself in the  middle of the virtual
Comment 1 Srirama Sharma 2005-11-28 12:45:01 UTC
This bug is similar to the one mentioned in bug #90975.
Comment 2 Olivier Le Thanh Duong 2005-11-29 04:26:15 UTC
Well it's a feature, nobody is forced to use it and I bet we will get someone
whinning if we remove it.
Comment 3 Federico Mena Quintero 2009-02-26 18:54:43 UTC
Yes, this is a feature.  You are meant to be able to put panels on all the edges of all monitors.