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Bug 312731 - Burmese Pango Module
Burmese Pango Module
Product: pango
Classification: Platform
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 1.10.1
Assigned To: pango-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-08-06 02:43 UTC by Behdad Esfahbod
Modified: 2011-03-02 21:37 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Burmese module (8.58 KB, patch)
2005-08-06 02:46 UTC, Behdad Esfahbod
none Details | Review
Myanmar Language Modulese for Pango Patch (253.02 KB, application/bzip2)
2006-05-28 21:10 UTC, Ngwe Tun
Myanmar Sample Text from Myanmar Bible (14.10 KB, text/plain)
2006-05-28 21:12 UTC, Ngwe Tun
Slide of Myanmar Language Enabling in Pango by Mr.Tin Myo Htet (165.50 KB, application/octet-stream)
2006-05-28 21:27 UTC, Ngwe Tun
patch for burmese pango modules (253.65 KB, patch)
2009-08-12 17:17 UTC, Ngwe Tun
none Details | Review
Myanmar Unicode Font (115.84 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-08-12 17:19 UTC, Ngwe Tun
Burmese Orthography (604.29 KB, text/plain)
2009-08-12 17:22 UTC, Ngwe Tun
Screen-shot in Fedora (136.85 KB, image/png)
2009-08-12 17:23 UTC, Ngwe Tun

Description Behdad Esfahbod 2005-08-06 02:43:40 UTC
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 22:32:28 -0400
From: Ngwe Tun <>
Subject: Request Burmese Pango Modules

Dear Group
 I would like to add burmese rendering modules in pango latest version. I
really needed any assistance for patching pango modules. Burmese opentype
font has been developed by Myanmar NLP Lab. But We don't have any
area in OSS platform. Anybody help me please to enable burmese pango
 I also need to how to configure and test that pango's burmese modules
 Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated.
 shaping engine modules available at
 Ngwe Tun
Program Manager
Myanmar Unicode & NLP Lab
Comment 1 Behdad Esfahbod 2005-08-06 02:46:53 UTC
Created attachment 50305 [details] [review]
Burmese module
Comment 2 Paul Wise 2005-08-06 09:10:26 UTC
Dear Group
I've uploaded fonts, some screen shoots and related documents. That would be
ease your processing in burmese shaping engine testing. Related documents
available at 
Please keep in touch for any required documents and related matters.
I wonna see our national characters/program in touch with penguin.
Ngwe Tun
Comment 3 Behdad Esfahbod 2005-08-06 19:01:37 UTC
I don't understand, the Pango_OpenType.JPG is an screenshot of VOLT?

Can you provide Pango and Windows screenshots of the sample text using the
provided text, such that we can confirm that what we are getting is the desired

And also, the glue patch for incorporating the module into Pango would be
appreciated, you already have that, right?
Comment 4 Ngwe Tun 2005-08-06 20:54:42 UTC
Hi Behdad

Yes, Sure It's a opentype dev env. I uploaded again following files
Text File

Screen Shot

I referenced from M17N patch and khmer patch but I don't have it proper patch.

And I also posted some sample text files that rendered with graphite.

Graphite Rendered Screen

Sample burmese Text File 


Ngwe Tun
Comment 5 Owen Taylor 2005-08-15 16:35:45 UTC
Thanks a lot for the contribution; I'm putting this on the milestone
for 1.10.1. (If we end up doing a quick bug-fix 1.10.1, then this
feature addition will be delayed until 1.10.2)

BTW, the Latin symbols in fo MyaZedi are apparently strongly based on
the Verdana design. See:

For some notes about legal protections for fonts. My general recommendation
is that a font for a different script shouldn't have Latin characters at
all, and that the numbers / punctuation should be designed to match the
script of the font.
Comment 6 Ngwe Tun 2005-08-15 18:04:57 UTC
Dear Owen Taylor and Contributor

Thanks for putting that modules to 1.10.1. But We really needed to test our 
opentype in pango aspa. So Can we possible to have a patch for burmese modules. 
And I will inform you test case report.

As far as I know, We have word breaking issues likes thai, khmer and lao 
languages. So, I would like to request to make a patch for burmese pango 

Second thing, I've removed latin symbols and uploaded modified fonts under

1)MyaZedi_M17N.ttf for Linux purpose. This opentype font file particularly 
related with this file

2)MyaZedi_OTF.ttf for Windows purpose. This opentype font file particularly 
related with this file

3)Others related documented uploaded at

I hope to see some patch in near future.


Ngwe Tun
Comment 7 Behdad Esfahbod 2005-11-15 20:30:51 UTC
Ok, first, all URLs above are invalidated, so I really can test this shaper.
Next, am I right that OpenType doesn't have a Burmese section like it does for
Arabic, Indic, etc?

Finally, what's the difference between burmese-fc.c and msburmese-fc.c?
Comment 8 Ngwe Tun 2006-01-16 10:34:03 UTC
Dear Behdad Esfahbod

I hope so you can access via for required resources. I've troubled with space limit problem in my hosting. So, I removed some files for the links.

As far as I know, M$ not supported burmese script in their updated uniscript. That's why I wrote two version for both platform. But In My update version, We created a verison for the pango. That's would be fine for your testing purpose.

Let me know any problem with these file. I will support more resource concerning with burmese script.

Thanks for you kindness

Ngwe Tun
Comment 9 Behdad Esfahbod 2006-05-26 04:46:50 UTC
Ngwe Tun,

Can you attach the patches to the bug?  I really want to make some progress here, but cannot do alone.
Comment 10 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-26 10:20:45 UTC
Dear Behdad, Owen Tylor

Sorry for our late myanmar patch for pango.

We have a distinct progress in our character encoding in april. In last ISO meeting, 7 new character code point are approved in ISO 10646. We finished latest patch in end of March. We doubted to release before ISO Meeting with current unicode 4.1 encoding.  And we are finding other bugs in our patch. 

Our proposed characters can be read in But UTC not accepted/published our new character in unicode standard. So, we need to aware those issues in any kind of new implementation. We are worrying about transcoding, other standards issues and reinvent process in that area.

In this implementation; Ko Tin Myo Htet ( has been accomplished by his eager efforts. we can't get successful implementation without his contribution. In version 6 of our patch, we are very happy announcing our implementation in pango modules.

Our state table totally based on khmer shaper modules. we would like to acknowledge Mr Jeans Herden ( from Khmer OS. We also thanks to  Mr Javier for his strong supports and guide.
We are now published as a project which is conformed with unicode 4.1 process under you can get new burmese patch and screen shoots at

This patch supports to render current Unicode 4.1 Standards myanmar texts. 

In this myanmar modules patch;
- pango An open type font with microsoft favour opentype tags;
- shaper for Myanmar Script (myanmar-fc.c)
- language engine for Myanmar Script (myanmar-lang.c)
- state table for Myanmar Script (myanmar.h)

In Future;
- smart input methods
- cursor movement navigation
- new encoding model transcoding & implementation
- other ethnics language rendering system
- word breaking
- sample texts
- installation manuals
- others 

I'm looking forward your valuable comments and any information.


Ngwe Tun
Comment 11 Behdad Esfahbod 2006-05-28 20:35:04 UTC
Ok, you asked why I marked this as NEEDINFO.  This bug still doesn't have any patch that I can test/apply.

You should:

  - Clearly point me to an Open Source Burmese font that renders correctly on MS Windows.

  - Attach *to this bug* a test file with Burmese text, and its rendering using the above font on MS Windows.

  - Attach *to this bug* a patch to add a Pango Burmese module.

That's all.  Do not point me at various URLs or projects.
Comment 12 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-28 21:10:08 UTC
Created attachment 66385 [details]
Myanmar Language Modulese for Pango Patch

Patch includes, Myanmar Unicode Opentype font, Myanmar Language Module, Myanmar Language State Table for syllablification
Comment 13 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-28 21:12:57 UTC
Created attachment 66386 [details]
Myanmar Sample Text from Myanmar Bible

Myanmar Unicode sample text from Myanmar Bible.
Comment 14 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-28 21:24:08 UTC

Thanks for your information.
I've already attached patch and smaple text.

Open Source Burmese not supported to render burmese text properly. It's still not activate burmese in latest uniscribe version. But we have some implementation on windows with non script specific features tag like <rlig> and <kern>. But uniscribe engine not supported those features for burmese proper rendering. Our implemented fonts are working reordering tasks in internally.

In our opentype font we are using burmese script specific fonts according to Microsoft guide line. And We are also supporting state table for syllable breaking function like as Khmer state table. Well, I will also attached some presentations files soon.


Ngwe Tun
Comment 15 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-28 21:27:48 UTC
Created attachment 66387 [details]
Slide of Myanmar Language Enabling in Pango by Mr.Tin Myo Htet

In The Fifth Myanmar ICT Week 2006, 
Conference Hall, Myanmar Info-Tech 04 May 2006
It's presentation slides of Myanmar Language Enabling in Pango/OSS (by U Tin Myo Htet, Siemens)
you can get other slides on
Comment 16 Ngwe Tun 2006-05-28 21:41:49 UTC

Thanks for your information.
I've already attached patch and smaple text.

Open Source Burmese font (which is include in font) not supported to render burmese text properly in windows. It's not supported burmese language in latest uniscribe version by Microsoft. But we have developed some opentype fonts (Myanmar1, MyMyanmar, etc...) on windows with non script specific features tag like as <rlig> and <kern>. But uniscribe engine not supported language specific function such as reordering, syllable breaking and so on. Our implemented fonts in windows are working reorder tasks in internally in fonts. It's not done with uniscribe function.

In our opensource opentype font (which is include in patch) we are using burmese script specific fonts according to Microsoft's features guide line. And We are also supporting state table for syllable breaking function like as Khmer state table. 

We may doubt some expression in last mail. Sorry for sending again, 


Ngwe Tun
Comment 17 André Klapper 2006-09-30 09:45:30 UTC
Ngwe Tun: looking at comment #12, i have to open the file "mymr-pangomod-0.6.0.tar.bz2". after doing this, i do not see a patch for pango at all. i would have expected a patch ("cvs diff") that cleanly applies to pango by running the "patch" command. instead it contains a program on its own with its own Makefile stuff. this is not sufficient, can you please act?
Comment 18 Owen Taylor 2006-09-30 15:20:00 UTC
Andre: no patch for Pango is necessary. Anybody in a position to apply
this patch to Pango can easily make the necessary changes to integrate
a standalone Pango module into the Pango source tree. And having it
standalone makes it easier for people to test.
Comment 19 André Klapper 2006-10-04 18:22:28 UTC
okay, got it...
Comment 20 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:14:05 UTC
Hello Behdad Esfahbod,

I would like to give you New patch for Burmese Pango Modules. It is result of project under

I'm being uploaded, patch, fonts, orthography lists and screen-shots. If you need any other resources. Please let me know.


Ngwe Tun
Comment 21 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:17:54 UTC
Created attachment 140564 [details] [review]
patch for burmese pango modules
Comment 22 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:19:32 UTC
Created attachment 140565 [details]
Myanmar Unicode Font

Myanmar Unicode Font by Mr. Tin Myo Htet (
Comment 23 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:22:11 UTC
Created attachment 140566 [details]
Burmese Orthography

Burmese Headwords aka Orthography list from
Comment 24 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:23:22 UTC
Created attachment 140567 [details]
Screen-shot in Fedora
Comment 25 Behdad Esfahbod 2009-08-12 17:28:28 UTC
Please edit the attachments and set the right file type.

Is the Orthography attachment a fontconfig .orth file?  In that case please file against fontconfig on

I'll take a look at this again after HarfBuzz shaping stuff is in place.
Comment 26 Ngwe Tun 2009-08-12 17:39:50 UTC
>> Is the Orthography attachment a fontconfig .orth file?
No. It's sample text which we were organized headword list from Burmese Orthography book.

Can I file in HarfBuzz bug too?

Thanks for you prompt reply.

Ngwe Tun
Comment 27 Behdad Esfahbod 2009-08-12 18:13:08 UTC
No need for a HarfBuzz bug right now.
Comment 28 Behdad Esfahbod 2011-03-02 21:37:14 UTC
HarfBuzz should support new Unicode Burmese with no special shader.  Please test with pango's harfbuzz-ng-external and let me know.