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Bug 256903 - minor adjustments to the Edit Account dialog
minor adjustments to the Edit Account dialog
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 256902
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Do Not Use
1.5.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Evolution Product Design Team
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-04-13 08:28 UTC by Jakub Steiner
Modified: 2004-04-13 08:39 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jakub Steiner 2004-04-13 08:28:14 UTC

The descriptive label in the Account Information frame should be put below
the Name control. I also suggest indenting to the beginning of the text
input control so it doesn't obfuscate the control label and it's posible to
quickly scan through.

I also suggest changing the wording to 'The above name will be used to
identify these account settings. For example "Work" or "Personal".'

Receiving Mail

Framed and unframed controls are used in this tab. I suggest framing the
top two controls in "Server". 

Although the HIG states that text labels placed next to an associated
control should be vertically cenetered, the case of “Description:” is
pretty specific. You rarely see two labels associated like this. For a long
explanation label such as the one specified for “Standard Unix mbox ...” it
would surely look better if the “Description:” label was aligned to the
top. Personally I'd drop the “Description:” label overall, since labeling a
label has not been done anywhere else.

The IMAP Server Type makes the window grow vertically although no control
seem to occupy the space at the bottom.

Authentication has no mnemonic because it lacks a label. I suggest changing
the frame label to “Authentication” and adding a “_Type” label.

Receiving Options

Framed and unframed controls are used.

The frames at the bottom have been left un-HIGgy. There should be no frame
border, the frame label should be bold and the checkboxes are missing

      "Check for new messages in all folders", "Apply filters to new
messages in INBOX on the server", "Check new messages for Junk" and "Only
check for Junk messages in the INBOX folder" should be moved to "Folders"

      "Automatically synchronize remote mail locally" should go to the
"Connection to Server" which should perhaps be renamed to "Connection"

      Suggested Mnemonics:
      "Check for new messages in _all folders"
      "Apply _filters..."
      "Check new messages for _junk.."
      "Only check for jun_k..."
      "Automatically _synchronize..."
      Add "Folders" frame and put "check for new messages in all folders",
apply filters..." in it. 
      Add "Connection" frame and add "Automatically..." to it. 
      Use HIG style for the "Address Book and Calendar" frame.

      suggested mnemonics:
      "Check for new messages in _all.."
      "Apply _filters.."
      "Automatically _synchronize.."
      "_Post Office Agent SOAP Port:"

      fix framing style

      suggested mnemonics:
      “_Leave..” and “_Disable ..”

      Folders framimng style.

      suggested mnemonics:
      "Show _relative..."

MH folder:
      Frame the checkbox in "Folders". add mnemonic for 'U'.

      Frame checkbox in "Folders". add mnemonic for "a".

      Frame "Apply filters.." in "Folders". Frame "Store.." in "Format".

      suggested mnemonics:
      "Apply _filters.."

Sending Mail

Same notes apply for the framing and “Description:” label as in the
“Receiving Mail” tab section. 

I'm not sure why “v” was picked as an accelerator for “Server requires
auth...”. “S” is available and perfect. Similarly for “T_ype” which goes
against HIG recommendations I suggest using “t”.


Although there is no stock “Reset” button that I'm aware I think the
“Revert” button here does not behave as expected. For a revert button I
would expect the previous setting to be used. Instead the settings are
reset to the defaults, not to the values I entered before opening the
account settings.

Select button has no mnemonic. Both “e” and “l” have been taken and I see
there are two sets of  “Select” and “Clear” buttons that use the same
mnemonic (for Clear, Select lacks one). Also “c” has been taken by the
“Close” button. 

Removing the “Clear” buttons might be due, or second best, such button may
live without a mnemonic because the input box is accessible with a mnemonic
and content selected, so that only pressing the delete or backspace key
will accomplish the same task. I reccomend dropping clear though.

The reason for the popup dialog is essentially the name of the certificate
isn't unique and would create ambiguity when selecting it from a combo box
for example.  So what I propose is using a similar solution the evolution
mail composer uses for “To:” fields. Instead of using a label, the “Signing
Certificate” would become a button that would pop-up the (rather annoying,
nested) dialog. 

In the Select pop-up, “Certificate” has no mnemonic either (“c”).
Comment 1 Jakub Steiner 2004-04-13 08:39:06 UTC
eek, I thought the other one didn't get through due to timeout.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 256902 ***