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Bug 207604 - cannot lock /var/spool/mail/mark
cannot lock /var/spool/mail/mark
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 206335
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Mailer
Other All
: Normal blocker
: ---
Assigned To: Evolution Triage Team
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-08-19 03:59 UTC by mfaine
Modified: 2001-08-27 21:22 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description mfaine 2001-08-19 15:02:35 UTC
Package: Evolution
Priority: Blocker
Version: 0.12.99
Synopsis: cannot lock /var/spool/mail/mark
Bugzilla-Product: Evolution
Bugzilla-Component: Mailer

I get an error dialog box :

Error while "Fetching Mai":
Could not lock '/var/spool/mail/mark'

I'm trying to use fetchmail to retrieve my mail from a pop3 server every few minutes.  I use sendmail to send. This setup does not seem to work with Evolution.

-Mark Faine

Unknown reporter:, changed to

Comment 1 Luis Villa 2001-08-20 17:01:14 UTC
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 206335 ***
Comment 2 Peter Williams 2001-08-21 19:24:48 UTC
mfaine: are the permissions on your copy of camel-lock-helper correct,
or is it not setuid as suggested in the solution to bug 206335?
Comment 3 dunk 2001-08-27 21:22:26 UTC
Keep in mind that is setgid (set the group that is used when the
program is run).

Join us over on <b>bug 206335</b> for the low down. Email me directly if
you have trouble following the instructions.