GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 171508
Signing a key crashes seahorse
Last modified: 2005-05-19 19:29:33 UTC
Version details: 0.7.7. Distribution/Version: Ubuntu Hoary Select a key, right click, choose sign. On the upcoming dialog box select "very carefully", and click "sign". When passphrase box appears, type it. When pressing okay, seahorse hangs (no crash error).
We need more info in this case.... Are you running seahorse-agent? Does seahorse-agent prompt for the passphrase or does the seahorse program itself? Thanks. BTW: 0.7.7 has not been released yet. The version in 'CVS'
Can you check if this still occurs?
Just checked this with today's CVS version and the same problem occurs. To answer the questions: I'm running seahorse-agent. I don't get a prompt for the passphrase. Seahorse hangs immediately upon pressing the "Sign" button. This time it used 100% of CPU in a loop, forcing me to hard-reset the computer.
I tested this on Hoary with Seahorse 0.7.5 and 0.7.8. I wasn't able to reproduce it even with the seahorse-agent running. Is it possible there is something with the key you are trying to sign? Try creating a new user account and a couple of new keys. Try signing 1 of the new keys with the other key and see if you can reproduce it.
Could you try signing the same key from the command line and see if you get the same result?
I can't remember which key I was testing it on, but I just tried now on a several keys in my keyring and it all worked okay. So like Jim said, maybe it was an issue with the key I was trying to sign. If I come across the problem again I'll report it but I guess this can be closed for now.
Wonderful. Thanks.