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Bug 171508 - Signing a key crashes seahorse
Signing a key crashes seahorse
Product: seahorse
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Seahorse Maintainer
Seahorse Maintainer
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-24 17:47 UTC by zerohalo
Modified: 2005-05-19 19:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description zerohalo 2005-03-24 17:47:12 UTC
Version details: 0.7.7.
Distribution/Version: Ubuntu Hoary

Select a key, right click, choose sign. On the upcoming dialog box select "very
carefully", and click "sign". When passphrase box appears, type it. When
pressing okay, seahorse hangs (no crash error).
Comment 1 Stef Walter 2005-03-29 04:50:14 UTC
We need more info in this case.... Are you running seahorse-agent? Does
seahorse-agent prompt for the passphrase or does the seahorse program itself?

BTW: 0.7.7 has not been released yet. The version in 'CVS'
Comment 2 Stef Walter 2005-04-14 23:58:10 UTC
Can you check if this still occurs?
Comment 3 zerohalo 2005-04-16 23:04:54 UTC
Just checked this with today's CVS version and the same problem occurs. 
To answer the questions:
I'm running seahorse-agent. 
I don't get a prompt for the passphrase. Seahorse hangs immediately upon
pressing the "Sign" button.
This time it used 100% of CPU in a loop, forcing me to hard-reset the computer.
Comment 4 Jim Pharis 2005-05-11 14:54:40 UTC
I tested this on Hoary with Seahorse 0.7.5 and 0.7.8. I wasn't able to reproduce
it even with the seahorse-agent running. Is it possible there is something with
the key you are trying to sign? Try creating a new user account and a couple of
new keys. Try signing 1 of the new keys with the other key and see if you can
reproduce it.
Comment 5 Stef Walter 2005-05-17 01:06:05 UTC
Could you try signing the same key from the command line and see if you get the
same result?
Comment 6 zerohalo 2005-05-19 18:01:56 UTC
I can't remember which key I was testing it on, but I just tried now on a
several keys in my keyring and it all worked okay. So like Jim said, maybe it
was an issue with the key I was trying to sign. If I come across the problem
again I'll report it but I guess this can be closed for now.
Comment 7 Stef Walter 2005-05-19 19:29:33 UTC
Wonderful. Thanks.