GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 166769
SUMIF(Range1,1,OFFSET(Range2,..)) "column-oriented" has wrong results
Last modified: 2005-02-10 13:03:44 UTC
Version details: 1.4.2-2 Debian/Sarge Distribution/Version: Debian/Sarge SUMIF(Range1,1,OFFSET(Range2,..)) calculates wrong results IF Range1 has width=1,heigth>1 ["column-oriented"] See test cases in sheet SUMIF_OFFSET in the attached sumif-test.xls The isolated example in sheet SUMIF_OFFSET_bug seems to hit the same bug. Maybe this is related to bug 166764. IMHO severity=major as I see no easy workaround, and it is the main reason that I cannot use Gnumeric for professional work (= flexible financial reports) in XL-compatible way.
Created attachment 37231 [details] SUMIF_OFFSET combination tests sumif-test.xls
We seem to do the wrong thing when the first and third arguments have different "shapes". Do you know of any references to a detailed description of the semantics of SUMIF? The Excel help text isn't much help here. Otherwise, I guess I need to figure it out from scratch. (Sigh!)
The intended use is, that first and third argument have same shape (=size). Missing specifications are a problem for testing. What XL does in case of different shapes, is to take the smaller argument, if it is the first argument. The first argument is fitted with the top-left corner to the top left corner of the third argument. This logic works in Gnumeric in testcase SUMIF!D56:H56 (=line-oriented), but works not in SUMIF!D67:H67 (=column oriented). If the third argument is smaller, it causes an error - AFAIR. The cases in the sheet SUMIF_OFFSET use all arguments of the same "shape", i.e. same width and heigth. I call 1 row high "line-oriented" - this works. 1 column wide = "column-oriented" works not. Cases in SUMIF_OFFSET!C42:K42 (=line-oriented) work, SUMIF_OFFSET!C57:K57 (=column-oriented) work not.
Fixed in head, and backported. The patch will be in 1.5.1 and 1.4.3