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Bug 162998 - Calculator register options not working correctly with GOK
Calculator register options not working correctly with GOK
Product: gnome-calculator
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: David Bolter
David Bolter
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-05 10:40 UTC by Frances Keenan
Modified: 2005-03-29 15:36 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch to change the "menu" button "button-press-event" event to "clicked" (1.13 KB, text/plain)
2005-01-21 21:01 UTC, Rich Burridge
Correct fix for this problem. (1.53 KB, text/plain)
2005-03-29 15:35 UTC, Rich Burridge

Description Frances Keenan 2005-01-05 10:40:59 UTC
With Cinnabar Build_25 :

-Launch GOK (Dwell mode with 2nd mouse)
-Launch Calculator
-Enter some value in Calculator
-UI Grab the Calculator, and select 'Store to register' option
-Notice GOK does not handle these drop down buttons correctly
-It does not allow a user to store or recall values
Comment 1 Frances Keenan 2005-01-05 10:43:45 UTC
Bugster bug #6214176
Comment 2 David Bolter 2005-01-05 14:06:46 UTC
Thanks Frances, do you know what role the drop down window has?  -- And the
"buttons"?  Also I am curious if/how at-poke picks it up.
Comment 3 Frances Keenan 2005-01-05 16:05:56 UTC
The Store drop down "button" stores values in the calculator (up to 9 numbers)
The Recall "button" allows you to get any stored numbers

With at-poke, these buttons are treated the same as the numeric buttons, and not
shown as drop down menus.
Comment 4 bill.haneman 2005-01-05 17:34:22 UTC
I believe David might have been referring to the atk "role".  
GOK sees these as buttons too, but clearly there are other differences in their
AtkAction or other ATK interfaces  -  does at-poke show something other than
'click' for the first AtkAction?  Does it expose children of the button? etc.?
Comment 5 Frances Keenan 2005-01-06 09:40:02 UTC
at-poke shows 'click' for the first AtkAction :

It does not expose any children of the button
Comment 6 bill.haneman 2005-01-06 10:36:37 UTC
Thanks Frances; then the question for David and myself is, why doesn't our logic
for catching popup menus react appropriately when the drop down list is posted?
Comment 7 David Bolter 2005-01-12 20:17:40 UTC
I'll take a look.
Comment 8 David Bolter 2005-01-14 14:13:43 UTC
Frances, can you expand on the initial report item:
"Notice GOK does not handle these drop down buttons correctly"

Is the popup menu appearing?  Does the GOK keyboard change to show the menu
items?  What exactly is the behaviour you are seeing?
Comment 9 David Bolter 2005-01-14 14:20:08 UTC
I believe that gnome-calculator is not implementing the click action properly...
that is must use a different code path. 

Frances, can you confirm the behaviour of activating "click" on "Rcl" using
at-poke (use keyboard to select "take action") simply puts "Rcl" in the display
area - which to me is a weird thing to do!
Comment 10 Frances Keenan 2005-01-18 10:32:48 UTC
David, the popup menu does not appear when using gcalctool with GOK.
When I activate any of the register buttons with GOK, they just grab focus and
then do nothing. No popup menus or list of register options are shown.

Clicking on "Rcl" Take action using at-poke also does nothing.
It does not store any values from the calculator display window
Comment 11 bill.haneman 2005-01-19 17:13:02 UTC
this is a calculator bug, at heart - because the "default action" for these
buttons is 'click', which does nothing ('press' is the action which actually
does something).

Because it is not possible for the accessibility system via gtk+ or gail to
know, beforehand, whether there are user-visible actions associated with the
AtkActions which are exposed, we cannot tell (either in GOK or in gail/atk)
which actions are 'interesting' enough to show the user.  GtkButtons generally
have three actions associated with them - click, press, release.  Of these, in
90% of cases,  only the first one is useful.  For this reason, when GOK sees the
exact pattern "3 actions, called click, press, release", it does NOT present a
three action menu to the user.   For such GtkButtons, either the application
should register its signal handler for the 'click' action, or it should override
the AtkActions so that either only one action is exposed, or the first action is
the correct useful default.  This is the way other applications deal with this

In the case of gcalctool, it's actually not clear why press and release are used
instead of click, as a quick 'click' gesture (press release in quick succession)
result in the desired behavior.  It seems that there may be some timer-based
behavior here, which would of course also be an additional accessibility bug (UI
elements should not be time dependent).

Comment 12 bill.haneman 2005-01-19 17:20:04 UTC
The problem is easy to see using at-poke.  Because GOK recognizes and reduces
the 3-action 'click, press, release' case to one action, and in so doing vastly
improves the productivity of GOK users for the majority of gtk+ apps, the best
fix is to modify gcalctool so that either:

1) the default 'click' action causes the drop-down list to post; or
2) the AtkActions reported no longer match the 3-action 'click,press,release'
pattern.  Just changing the order in which the actions are reported would be

- Bill
Comment 13 Rich Burridge 2005-01-21 20:52:55 UTC
Modifying the menu buttons to used "clicked" instead of
"button-press-event" will mean the menu will only appear
when the mouse button is released or a timeout has occured,
which is not the way it currently works. 

How do I adjust the gcalctool code to try the second
suggested fix above?
Comment 14 Rich Burridge 2005-01-21 21:01:52 UTC
Created attachment 36352 [details]
Patch to change the "menu" button "button-press-event" event to "clicked"

Actually, it feels just fine. From a UI prespective I'm
happy with this attached change (to CVS HEAD). Does it
make gok do the right thing (I don't have a copy of the
latest complete stack - just glib/atk/pango/gtk+ and gcalctool).
Comment 15 bill.haneman 2005-01-21 21:03:22 UTC
Doing #2 is considerably more work - you'd have to subclass GtkButton here, and
provide an inherited AtkObject type that replaced the default AtkAction methods.

I'll try the patch when time permits - but using the 'clicked' event should be
all that's necessary.
Comment 16 Rich Burridge 2005-01-21 21:30:49 UTC
Fair enough. As I want to generate a new tarball on Monday for the
GNOME 2.10 "call for tarballs", I've gone ahead and checked this fix
into CVS HEAD. I've bumped the version number in to

If this doesn't fix the problem, please just go ahead and reopen the 
bug and I'll investigate further.
Comment 17 bill.haneman 2005-01-22 00:55:27 UTC
Thanks a lot Rich!  I'm glad the easy fix worked out.
Comment 18 bill.haneman 2005-03-29 15:11:10 UTC
fix apparently causes SEGV.
Comment 19 Rich Burridge 2005-03-29 15:35:17 UTC
Created attachment 39388 [details]
Correct fix for this problem.

As reported in CR ##6214176, there is a new fix for this problem
that "works for me". I've already applied this fix to gcalctool
Comment 20 Rich Burridge 2005-03-29 15:36:01 UTC
Closing as FIXED. If this proves not to be the case for you,
then feel free to re-re-open.