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Bug 151440 - play_count in smart playlist
play_count in smart playlist
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 141811
Product: rhythmbox
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: RhythmBox Maintainers
RhythmBox Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-30 15:52 UTC by carl johan crafoord
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description carl johan crafoord 2004-08-30 15:52:50 UTC
I would like to use the PLAY_COUNT (number of times a file has been played) in
the creation of smart playlists. Preferrably, one should be able to select:
1. A number (like 0, to get a playlist of all unplayed files)
2. A range (like 0-5 to get more or less "fresh" songs)
3. A more-than or less-than (like >100 to get super duper hits)

Other information:
Comment 1 Vincent Noel 2004-08-30 17:34:58 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 141811 ***