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Bug 13921 - Cannot set different backgrounds for each workspace (desktop)
Cannot set different backgrounds for each workspace (desktop)
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 48004
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Background
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: GNOME2.0
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
: 94197 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2000-06-12 16:50 UTC by jgray
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description jgray 2001-01-27 21:28:36 UTC
Package:  control-center
Severity: normal
Version:  1.2.0
Synopsis: Cannot set different backgrounds for each workspace (desktop)
Class:    sw-bug

Distribution: Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
System: Linux 2.2.12-20 i586 unknown
C library: glibc-2.1.2-11
C compiler: egcs-2.91.66
glib: 1.2.8
GTK+: 1.2.8
ORBit: ORBit 0.5.1
gnome-libs: gnome-libs 1.2.1
libxml: 1.8.7
gnome-print: gnome-print-0.20
gnome-core: gnome-core 1.2.1

there is no means of setting multiple background images/patterns for
each individual workspace you have.  Enlightenment and KDE, for example,
allow you to do this.

------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-01-27 16:28 -------
This bug was previously known as bug 13921 at
Originally filed under the control-center product and general component.

Unknown version 1.2.x in product control-center. Setting version to the default, "unspecified".
The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Chema Celorio 2001-09-15 19:02:46 UTC
Also present in the latests versions
Comment 2 Bradford Hovinen 2001-10-13 00:18:40 UTC
This would require support from the window manager. If the GNOME
window manager spec does not include support for this (I have to do
some research to find out), then it would be highly nontrivial to
implement, and might not be possible without some really nasty hacks.
I will check into it when I get a chance, but if that turns out to be
the case I will mark this WONTFIX.
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2002-01-23 20:40:27 UTC
Bradford: have you done any research on this? If so, instead of
WONTFIX, can you reassign to sawfish? I'm pretty sure this is a dup of
something there...
Comment 4 Bradford Hovinen 2002-01-23 20:47:23 UTC
Reassigning to Sawfish as per Luis' suggestion...
Comment 5 John Harper 2002-01-23 20:52:18 UTC
Nothing to do with sawfish. The various wm-specs provide everything
that is needed to set backgrounds per workspace outside the window manager
Comment 6 Luis Villa 2002-04-10 02:52:48 UTC
Updating all cc bugs that have the GNOME2 keyword set to the GNOME2.0 milestone,
to help jrb triage/prioritize cc bugs. Filter on 'luis doing GNOME2 work' to
ignore this spam.
Comment 7 Chema Celorio 2002-06-20 05:44:29 UTC
Dunno about this bug.. it falls in the hackerdom side for me. 
Comment 8 Luis Villa 2002-11-07 14:36:25 UTC
SPAM as discussed last night. Search for 'SPAM as discussed last night' to catch
these all and delete them. :) 
Comment 9 Andrew Sobala 2003-01-16 22:11:37 UTC
*** Bug 94197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Andrew Sobala 2003-05-31 20:36:02 UTC
Bug 48004 has usability comments

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 48004 ***