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Bug 134956 - Curves tool doesn't save free curves
Curves tool doesn't save free curves
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: Tools
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 2.6
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-02-20 11:19 UTC by david gowers
Modified: 2008-10-09 15:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Fix Bug by creating new version,and versioning system, for GIMP curves files. COMPILED, BUT NOT TESTED. (4.62 KB, patch)
2004-02-20 18:58 UTC, Joao S. O. Bueno
needs-work Details | Review
Patch - fixes bug 134956, extends curves files to save Freehand Curves and add versioning system to them. (4.43 KB, patch)
2004-02-27 13:55 UTC, Joao S. O. Bueno
needs-work Details | Review
Updated patch - for those who need the feature now. (4.37 KB, patch)
2004-03-10 13:39 UTC, Joao S. O. Bueno
rejected Details | Review
Patch implementing the feature based on the new infrastructure (12.75 KB, patch)
2008-10-09 13:06 UTC, Michael Natterer
committed Details | Review

Description david gowers 2004-02-20 11:19:57 UTC
submitting this using mozilla, hopefully linebreaks will work.

steps to reproduce:

1. open layers->curves
2. select free curve mode
3. draw a line continuously from far left to far right, staying at the top.
4. go to the bottom, and click repeatedly while moving right->left (staying
at the bottom)
5. what you have now should look like a barcode. save the curve.
6. load the curve. it now looks like a few gradients :(

perhaps i'm abusing curves; i don't know any other way to apply a
brightness LUT with precise control. however this behaviour is confusing
and nonintuitive.
Comment 1 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-20 14:41:47 UTC
I reproduced it here... quite ugly, indeed. The curve is simply reset
to smooth, and is redrawn as a spline.  :-(
Comment 2 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-20 15:13:12 UTC
Found the problem...
In 	curves_write_to_file (GimpCurvesTool *c_tool,
                      FILE           *file), inside

No association specifing the curve type is recorded in the file.

I would suggest creating a new version of the curves file,
in which a second, textual, line of information, would describe the
curve as FREE or SMOOTH. 

I see no reason, in case a second file version be made, not to write
all the curve points to the file, instead of sampling them at even
Comment 3 Dave Neary 2004-02-20 15:23:42 UTC

Yup - verified that the curve loading doesn't do anything to take into
account the curve type. If the curve is a free curve, it simply takes
samples every 8 pixels and makes those pixels the control points for
the loaded curve.

This would be a fairly straightforward fix, but requires a change in
the curves file format, and as such can't go in before a stable
release. It should be addressed for 2.2, though.

The relevant file is app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c, and the functions to
modify are curves_read_from_file() and curves_write_to_file().

For consistency with other metadata files we write, the files should
be versioned so that we can continue to load old files after the change.

A possible file format would be something along the lines of 
Magic string (same as now)
#(version number)
#(curve type)
And then, as we currently have, a set of control points for a smooth
curve, or alternatively a series of 256 points per channel for the 5
channels if the curve is free.

Something is required to distinguish the version and type strings from
existing valid curve tool definitions, which is why I've preceeded the
version and curve type with comment symbols. In the line after the
magic string doesn't start with a #, we're in "classic" mode.

It's not particularly smart, but it should be good enough.

Any better ideas?


Comment 4 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-20 15:45:00 UTC
I had actually starting editing the file before I even read in your
(I will not be able to finish it today though ... I am eating into
working time )

It won't change any strings and it won't cause incompatibilities, so I
think that if it might be readied in time for 2.0 it could go in
without any problens.

As for the versioning scheme you suggested, there is a small issue
that would cause an ugly hack: If I read the first character in the
second line and it is not a "#", it should be part of the curve points

I was inserting the version number into the magic string - but that is
not smart either. So I thought of working with 2 different magic strings:
The current one - "# GIMP Curves File\n" for version 1, and
"# GIMP2 Curves File\n", for versions 2 and above - which would
include the version number on the second line. 

What do you say?
Comment 5 Dave Neary 2004-02-20 16:02:15 UTC
Hmmm... it would work, but it seems even more hacky than my idea. As
you say - you're more or less just writing the version number in the
magic string.

I don't see a problem with reading the first character, and if it's a
# read a version string, otherwise keep reading characters until a \n,
then do what we currently do on the result.

And the problem is always going to be that if we change a file format
days before the stable release, we risk breaking stuff and having to
delay it. I really think this should wait a while and be committed
after we branch.

Comment 6 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-20 18:58:06 UTC
Created attachment 24615 [details] [review]
Fix Bug by creating new version,and versioning system, for GIMP curves files. COMPILED, BUT NOT TESTED.
Comment 7 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-20 18:58:37 UTC
HI...I think I made it.
Unfortunattely I was given a machinne with "debian testing" here at
the office, and could only manage to build the GIMP inside a SID
chroot I made.
But something in the build proccess broke the hack I was using to run
the GIMP from inside the chrooted enviroment, so <b> I could not test
this patch </b>.  

Therefore, I ask somebody to test it. If it works, or is made to work,
I do not see why not to include it for 2.0, since only this file reads
 The GIMP curves files, so there is no risk of breaking compatibility
with anythi
Comment 8 david gowers 2004-02-21 10:48:16 UTC
doesnt work for me :( 
with the patch, as soon as i hit 'save' for a free-curve, gimp crashes.
Comment 9 Sven Neumann 2004-02-21 12:37:56 UTC
This is certainly not a major problem, but simply an enhancement request.
Comment 10 Sven Neumann 2004-02-24 13:39:08 UTC
Debian testing is the perfect environment to build GIMP2 since it
provides all dependencies. Why are you fiddling with a sid chroot
Comment 11 Sven Neumann 2004-02-25 12:42:35 UTC
I had a look at your patch and have a few comments:

Please don't waste your time on extending the curves file format in
such an akward way. This change won't make it into 2.0 so we can as
well fix it properly. We need a GimpCurve object in multiple places
like for example to control the pressure mapping of paint tools. Such
a curve object should implement the GimpConfigInterface and can then
reuse a lot of existing code. So, please, lets deprecate the old
format and replace this crap with more general code that can then be
reused all over The GIMP.
Comment 12 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-25 14:35:22 UTC
Allright then Sven. I will not update it here, as I find the curves
fixed in this 8 bit / 16 handlers form rather dull.  
I'd like to see floating point curves for 2.2, and not waiting for
GEGL, tough.

Neota, however if you do need saving free-form curves to have your
work done, my patch may work - I could test it today and it is not at
all ready, but I could make it a stand-alone patch - that _you_ would
have to compile in your personal GIMP - so you won't have to wait for
gimp 2.1 to be able to save free-hand curves do get your job done.

I propose closing this as "wont-fix"  and opening another bug to track
a general curves object for GIMP 2.1 them.

Comment 13 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-02-27 13:55:29 UTC
Created attachment 24849 [details] [review]
Patch - fixes bug 134956, extends curves files to save Freehand Curves and add versioning system to them.
Comment 14 Dave Neary 2004-02-27 20:59:14 UTC
Hi Sven,

Please don't call someone else's approach to a problem a waste of
time. If you have a solution that's better than the one that we've
talked about here, propose it. It's hard enough to keep motivation up
without someone implying that something you've spent time on is useless.

Comment 15 Sven Neumann 2004-02-28 10:34:15 UTC
You misunderstood me. Let me try to rephrase it then...

Please don't waste your valuable time with this approach. We will need
a more generic curve object in multiple other places and your efforts
would much better be spend on this instead. If you need more detailed
explanations or hints on where to start, please let me know.
Comment 16 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-03-01 01:09:10 UTC
Thank you Dave and Sven, 
I've been around a couple of months and can outlive Sven´s 
sometimes looking harsh wordings just fine. 
As for this bug, good ro bad, the latest patch does fix it, 
and I see no reason for it not to go in 2.0.1 -  Anyway, backwards 
compatibility from an all new, reviewd type of curves to a  
"2.0.1 gimp2 curve files" won't be needed for that many people.  
And if someone needs it, I could always provide a python script 
to convert from the format created by this patch to the GIMP 2.2 one. 
Anyway, just as it won't hurt to put this in, it won't be a big 
difference for most users if freehand curves can not be saved for 
another 6 months -- the proof of it is that this bug was reported 
just now. 
As for me, I am still finishing the Portuguese BR translation of 
GIMP and components, and finally will be able to get a couple hours a 
week to look over the GIMP.  
I plan to work first on some new features on the Postscript plugin, 
as I had noted in a bug here somewhere, and see were else I can help. 
I also intend to work on the Custom Layer Combination Mode issue I've 
mentioned a couple of times. 
Comment 17 Sven Neumann 2004-03-01 01:17:46 UTC
Given the existing GimpConfig infrastructure, a serializable
GimpCurves object with an extensible format can probably be hacked up
quicker than any converter you'd have to write to support the
suggested gimp2 curves file format. For this reason, I'd rather not
see a new format being introduced only for the purpose of replacing it
a few weeks later (and providing backwards compatibility to it since
we always do that).
Comment 18 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-03-10 13:39:19 UTC
Created attachment 25455 [details] [review]
Updated patch -  for those who need the feature now.
Comment 19 Joao S. O. Bueno 2004-03-10 13:42:28 UTC
Please Sven, 
do not take this as a chalenge or something - I agree with the way you suggest. 
I will leave the patch here just for people who need this feature before it gets 
implemented (for instance - to apply a special curve effect on all images in an 
animation), get a chance to do it, since the work to is done anyways. 
Known issue:  :-(  A curve taht uses freehand had to be loaded twice for 
it to work properly. I could not work around that.  
Comment 20 Sven Neumann 2004-03-10 14:03:47 UTC
No problem.
Comment 21 samuel 2007-09-12 22:11:39 UTC
As of sept 12/2007 (3 years after the original fix), this bug still exists in GIMP version 2.2.13 (ubuntu).
Comment 22 Michael Schumacher 2007-09-13 07:29:00 UTC
Not surprising, none of the patches has been committed.
Comment 23 Ari Pollak 2007-10-29 19:24:57 UTC
totem still shouldn't be restoring the screen back to the maximum size if it didn't change the resolution in the first place. Consider this use case:
1. I change the resolution to 800x600, so I can attach an external screen that only works in that resolution
2. I start totem's fullscreen mode, which doesn't change the resolution and works great
3. Now I want to start a new movie, so I exit fullscreen mode
4. Totem changes the resolution back to the maximum, so I now have to attach the original monitor again to restore the resolution I want.
Comment 24 Ari Pollak 2007-10-29 19:34:00 UTC
Argh, sorry for the spam. My save-textarea script screwed up.
Comment 25 Michael Natterer 2008-10-08 21:59:40 UTC
Damn, this was actually one of the main goals of all the hacking on
image map tools for 2.6, but i simply forgot to finish it.

It's quite easy, but not a trivial change. Will attach a patch
to go into 2.6.2.
Comment 26 Michael Natterer 2008-10-09 13:06:58 UTC
Created attachment 120269 [details] [review]
Patch implementing the feature based on the new infrastructure
Comment 27 Michael Natterer 2008-10-09 15:33:25 UTC
Fixed in both branches:

2008-10-09  Michael Natterer  <>

	Merged from trunk:

	This is not exactly a bugfix-only commit, but fixing this bug
	was the original reason for all the curve and image map tool
	refactorings that went into 2.6. It would be silly not to
	fix it just because I simply forgot to hack the final step of
	enabling all the new code. The two new translatable strings are
	a PITA, sorry about that; but better than still only exporting
	the old curves and levels formats in 2.6.

	Bug 134956 – Curves tool doesn't save free curves

	* app/core/gimpmarshal.list
	* app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.[ch]: add signal "file-dialog-setup"
	and emit it when the export/import file chooser is fully
	constructed. Callbacks can then do additional things to the
	dialog, like adding custom buttons.

	* app/tools/gimpcurvestool.h
	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.h: add boolean member

	* app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c
	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.c (gimp_*_tool_dialog): connect to
	the settings box' "file-dialog-setup".

	(gimp_*_tool_export_setup): new callback which adds a toggle to
	the file choosers that allows to export to the old format.
	Default saving the new format, we defaulted to the old one before.

	(gimp_*_tool_settings_export): check the "export_old_format"
	boolean and only save the cruft format if it is TRUE; chain up
	otherwise, which generically saves the new format.

	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.c (gimp_levels_tool_settings_import):
	add the same file format detection code as in the curves tool
	so it transparently loads old and new levels files.