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Bug 133624 - [usability] The Open dialog is too small and has to be resized always
[usability] The Open dialog is too small and has to be resized always
Product: gedit
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
gedit QA volunteers
Depends on: 129020
Reported: 2004-02-06 10:24 UTC by Kaveri
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target:
GNOME version: 2.5/2.6

Description Kaveri 2004-02-06 10:24:49 UTC
1. Open Gedit 
2. Select File -> open option

Observation: The file selector dialog which comes up is too small. 
Under "File name" only part of the first directory name is visible. This 
is with application font at "10". for fontsize greateer than 10, the file 
list is not visible. 

The user HAS to resize the dialog to select even the first/second file in 
the list. And the user has to resize the dialog everytime he selecs the 
File->Open option. Gedit does not remember the previous set size. 

Expected Behaviour: The initial size of the file selector dialog should 
display atleast 4-5 files/directories. 

EOG's File selector seems to be ok.
Comment 1 Paolo Maggi 2004-02-12 11:37:58 UTC
gedit is not setting the file selector size, it is using the default
size provided by gtk+.
The problem is hence due to gtk+ (see bug #129020).

BTW, this bug is a major annoyance for the user -> marking as Major
Comment 2 Federico Mena Quintero 2004-02-14 01:27:47 UTC
Bug #129020 got fixed; can this be closed now?
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2004-02-14 03:56:51 UTC
Yeah, it looks great now :)