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Bug 128164 - trying to set shortcut key for one action results in seetin to anohter action after sorting based an action name
trying to set shortcut key for one action results in seetin to anohter action...
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Keybinding
git master
Other Linux
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-29 12:21 UTC by Sivaiah
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Sivaiah 2003-11-29 12:21:45 UTC
gnome-keybinding-properties is build from latest CVS HEAD sources (gnome 2.5)

Steps to reproduce.
1. launch /opt/gnome2/bin/gnome-keybinding-properties
2. Without selecting any action click on "action" to sort the entries based
on action name.
3. Now select any action and try to set a shortcut key for that.
4. You can see the shortcut key of selected action does not chnage. Infact
the shortcut keys entered are set to the action which is present at the
same position before sorting the entries.For example trying to set short
cut key for "Switch to Workspace 4" results in setting the short cut key
for "Move between panel and desktop immediately".
Comment 1 Luis Villa 2004-01-09 00:05:34 UTC
Nice catch, Sivaiah. Scary that that wasn't caught before.
Comment 2 Jody Goldberg 2004-02-17 23:28:29 UTC
nice catch.