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Bug 125497 - go to the last cell of a column
go to the last cell of a column
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 15010
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: GUI
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-10-25 20:11 UTC by Frederic Parrenin
Modified: 2005-06-15 16:02 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Frederic Parrenin 2003-10-25 20:11:56 UTC
It would be nice if we had something to go directly at the end of the column.
Scrolling to find the end of a column could be irritating if you have to do
this operation a lot of times.
For example in the "goto cell" menu, or in the right-click menu of a column.
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2003-10-25 21:00:26 UTC
How would you define the "last cell of a column"?  (Possible things to
consider would be content, comments, formats, hyperlinks.) What about
cells that contain a formula that evaluates to empty?
Comment 2 Frederic Parrenin 2003-10-26 13:37:42 UTC
Hum, good question...
For me, empty means no content.
But perhaps you have a better idea.
For me, it is mainly for data manipulation, thus content is sufficient.
Perhaps something to discuss on the mailing list ?
Comment 3 Andreas J. Guelzow 2003-10-26 15:36:51 UTC
It does sound like a very nice feature. Personally I think it should
go to the cell just after the last `used' cell. In any case there is a
long outstanding request like this. Marking this one as a duplicate
will hopefull raise the importance of the old request.
Comment 4 Andreas J. Guelzow 2003-10-26 15:37:32 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 15010 ***
Comment 5 Alan Horkan 2005-06-10 16:09:52 UTC
Commenting here rather than bug 15010 as it is seems to be asking for more and
for a particular implementation rather than a solution to a specific the problem.  

Hitting Home takes you to the right margin, couldn't End take you to the last
non empty cell on the left?  (and yesI would included cells that evaluate to
apparently empty as containing a formula worth looking at).  

I was thinking that in a word processor Home takes you to the start of the line
and End to takes you the end of the line and this would be logical behaviour but
unfortunately it isn't what Microsoft do.  

In Microsoft Excel the (apprarent) behaviour is
Home takes you to the top cell of the currently visible area
End  takes you to the bottom cell of the currently visible area
Ctrl Home takes you to the very first cell of the sheet
Ctrl End takes you to the last non empty cell of the sheet
Comment 6 Frederic Parrenin 2005-06-15 16:02:19 UTC
Meanwhile, I realized that you can go to the last cell of a column by typing
<Ctrl>-<bottom arrow>.
This is exactly what I was looking for and it fits perfectly my need.