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Bug 118777 - layers not activating
layers not activating
Product: gnopernicus
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other Solaris
: Urgent critical
: ---
Assigned To: ps
Depends on: 108664
Reported: 2003-07-31 15:03 UTC by david.hawthorne
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Patch to fix the bug. (3.09 KB, patch)
2003-08-27 15:55 UTC, ps
none Details | Review

Description david.hawthorne 2003-07-31 15:03:48 UTC
Using gnome-2.4 Solaris build from July 29 2003.

.logged in normal user or root.

- I'm unable to get access any of gnopernicus' layers in this current build. 
- I have tried numlock on/off and all 10 layers.
- when I press numpad 0 and then a layer key, the result is the direction
corresponding to that key.
e.g. numpad 0, then numpad 8:

expected - switch to layer 8.
actual - 'sends arrow up' command to system.
Comment 1 ps 2003-08-01 13:40:19 UTC
I will investigate it. It seems to be the fixes depend from other 
Comment 2 david.hawthorne 2003-08-05 12:26:02 UTC
Just to add, this is only apparent in Solaris. I've tested a recent
Linux(05/08/03) and Solaris(01/08/03) build and I can activate the
different layers in Linux but not Solaris.
Comment 3 Calum Benson 2003-08-07 16:06:34 UTC
Apologies for spam... marking as GNOMEVER2.3 so it appears on the official GNOME
bug list :)
Comment 4 bill.haneman 2003-08-22 11:29:45 UTC
This makes gnopernicus mostly unusable on Solaris, if true.

If gnopernicus is doing keysym-based ALL_WINDOWS grabs instead of a
keycode-based ALL_WINDOWS grab for the numeric keys, that would
explain this problem.

Please see related discussion in bug 116998.

Comment 5 ps 2003-08-22 11:41:06 UTC
Gnopernicus use keycode-base keygrab, but no using ALL_WINDOWS flags 
yet. This is because the side effect of using this flags is not 
fixed. It is true why are not working on solaris a keypads. Padraig 
and I we are working tos olve the ALL_WINDOWS flags problem after it 
fixed this we put to use gnopernicus ALL_WINDOWS flags.  
Comment 6 bill.haneman 2003-08-22 11:56:01 UTC
Paul: the keycode-based grab only makes sense with ALL_WINDOWS, I
didn't think it was useful for toolkit key events.

Comment 7 ps 2003-08-22 12:02:49 UTC
Yes you have right Bill. I wait to fix the depending bug (108664), 
and after this we hope to work on solaris too. 
Comment 8 ps 2003-08-27 15:55:26 UTC
Created attachment 19554 [details] [review]
Patch to fix the bug.
Comment 9 ps 2003-08-27 15:56:25 UTC
Please confirm it, if the patch fix this bug.
Comment 10 padraig.obriain 2003-08-27 16:05:40 UTC
This bug does not sem to have had any effect. When I press Numpad_0
followed by numpad_2 it is as if DownArrow is pressed.
Comment 11 ps 2003-08-27 16:15:08 UTC
On your system the NumLock is activate? 
Comment 12 padraig.obriain 2003-08-27 16:21:33 UTC
Yes, NumLock is activated. I am checking to check what is going wrong.
Comment 13 ps 2003-08-27 16:32:15 UTC
You can debug the gnopernicus event if you set the following warriable.

Please send me the generated output.

Comment 14 padraig.obriain 2003-08-28 07:52:40 UTC
The function ke_get_keypad_keysyms returns a string consisting of 16
question marks i.e. "????????????????". What do you expect this
function to return?
Comment 15 ps 2003-08-28 07:58:48 UTC
The 16 "????????????????" are this list whit a keysyms value of the 
numpad keys.  numpad_(0-9, del, enter, +, -, * and /). 
Comment 16 padraig.obriain 2003-08-28 09:11:08 UTC
How is registering the layer keyset supposed to work? It looks like
the string of question marks is used to create the keyset.
Comment 17 ps 2003-09-03 17:18:34 UTC
Changes on CVS head. It fix this bug. I close this bug.