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Bug 118247 - Want AccessibleNames on calculator buttons, radio buttons & check boxes
Want AccessibleNames on calculator buttons, radio buttons & check boxes
Product: gnome-calculator
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Rich Burridge
Rich Burridge
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-25 02:40 UTC by korn
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description korn 2003-07-25 02:40:51 UTC
By default the AccessibleName of a GTK+ button is its text.  The
text-to-speech engine that a blind user gets speech from may not clearly
pronounce things like "Frac" and "Abs".  If they had more expansive
AccessibleNames (like "Fraction" and "Absolute Value") it would be a
significant help.  Also things like "1/x" and "x^2" would benefit from such

Also, in the Scientific mode, many of the radio buttons and check boxes are
abbreviations that likewise should have more expansive AccessibleNames.
Comment 1 Rich Burridge 2003-07-25 02:57:43 UTC
Agreed. I've cc:'ed Breda on this one. Could you 
give me a set of names you'd like me to use please?
Or should I just use the tooltip phrases?
Comment 2 korn 2003-07-25 03:19:09 UTC
I don't think we want to use the tooltip (especially for something 
like "Bsp" which as "Remove rightmost character from displayed value" 
as its tooltip).  I think simply spelling out the word that 
is being abbreviated is the right answer in most cases (e.g 
"backspace" for "Bsp"), with the mathematical symbols (e.g. 1/x) 
replaced by the appropriate name of the operation (e.g. "inverse").

As you are the author of the calculator, I'd just as soon leave the 
choosing of names to you... :-)
Comment 3 Rich Burridge 2003-07-25 11:36:06 UTC
Fair comment on long tooltips.

Breda is the person who did the online help for
gcalctool. There is more than one author here.
I will pass a list of suggested accessiblenames
by her before committing.
Comment 4 Rich Burridge 2003-07-25 21:37:31 UTC
Well, I lied, I went ahead and committed the following
changes without talking to Breda first. Breda (or Peter),
if you have any suggested changes (see my comments below), 
just reopen the bug and comment accordingly.


My concern with having new AccessibleName strings for
all 80 buttons is:

  - the amount of extra memory that would take up.
  - the pain that all the translators would have to go
  - the repetition because a lot of the actual tooltip
    strings would be fine.

So, taking this into consideration, I plan to use the
tooltip string where possible and just provide new
AccessibleName strings (the astr member of the button
struct) for:

  Button |
  Label	 |		   AccessibleName
  Bsp	    "Backspace"
  CE	    "Clear Entry"
  Clr	    "Clear"
  Int	    "Integer portion"
  Sto	    "Store to register"
  Frac	    "Fractional portion"
  Rcl	    "Retrieve from register"
  Exch	    "Exchange with register"
  <	    "Shift left"
  >	    "Shift right"
  &16	    "16 bit unsigned integer"
  &32	    "32 bit unsigned integer"
  (	    "Left bracket"
  )	    "Right bracket"
  Acc	    "Accuracy"
  Exp	    "Exponential"
  e^x	    "E to the x"
  10^x	    "Ten to the x"
  y^x	    "Y to the x"
  x!	    "Factorial"
  Rand	    "Random"

If you think that there are others that should have
specific AccessibleNames or you don't like the wording
of the ones I've choosen, just reopen the bug and comment

Checked into CVS HEAD. Fixed in v4.2.101.

Comment 5 Breda McColgan 2003-07-28 13:12:54 UTC
Hi Rich,

a few comments :)

&16       "16 bit unsigned integer"
&32       "32 bit unsigned integer"

Strictly speaking, these should be "16-bit" and "32-bit" respectively,
but perhaps the hyphen would confuse the text-to-speech engine? If so,
you can continue to omit the hyphen.

e^x       "E to the x"
10^x      "Ten to the x"
y^x       "Y to the x"

Insert "power of" before "x" in each case:
e^x       "e to the power of x"
10^x      "Ten to the power of x"
y^x       "y to the power of x"

I also changed the case of the first letter of two of the above,
because I'm not sure whether the text-to-speech engine calls out
capital letters in a different way? Might not be necessary...

Rand      "Random"

I'd change "Random" to "Random Number", for clarity.

[Btw, I don't have the necessary privilege to reopen this bug.]
Comment 6 Rich Burridge 2003-07-28 15:07:49 UTC
> &16       "16 bit unsigned integer"
>  &32       "32 bit unsigned integer"
> Strictly speaking, these should be "16-bit" and "32-bit"
> respectively, but perhaps the hyphen would confuse the 
> text-to-speech engine? If so,you can continue to omit the 
> hyphen.

FreeTTS, Eloquence/Viavoice and Festival get it right (when
it's "16-bit"). DECtalk says "16 dash bit". Cepstral get's the
"16-bit" right, but does an abyssmal pronuciation of "integer".
Overall, I'll leave it as "16 bit" and "32 bit". It'll then speak
right for all of them.

> Insert "power of" before "x" in each case:
> e^x       "e to the power of x"
> 10^x      "Ten to the power of x"
> y^x       "y to the power of x"


> I also changed the case of the first letter of two of the above,
> because I'm not sure whether the text-to-speech engine calls out
> capital letters in a different way? Might not be necessary...

It isn't. I left them as initialially capitalised.

> Rand      "Random"
> I'd change "Random" to "Random Number", for clarity.

Done. Changes in v4.2.102.

> [Btw, I don't have the necessary privilege to reopen this bug.]

Wow. As the original submitter of the bug, I'm surprised. No
biggie in this case though.


Comment 7 Breda McColgan 2003-07-28 15:13:01 UTC
That's all fine with me -- thanks, Rich :)

(Btw, it was Peter who opened this bug originally -- you were kind
enough to think of copying me.)

Peter may have other comments...
Comment 8 korn 2003-07-28 19:58:19 UTC
More text than "e^x" is important, but I'm concerned about replacing 
it with "e to the power of x" (and likewise long strings).  The user 
will hear this text primarily when they tab through the dialog.  6 
words is a lot to listen through.  A calculator user would hopefully 
know what "e to the x" means.

But I think the best thing here is to get some feedback from a 
Gnopernicus user or three.
Comment 9 Breda McColgan 2003-07-29 09:18:11 UTC
I agree that the best thing is to get feedback from the users. I must
admit that I don't think that "e to the x" is a common contraction in
this part of the world, but perhaps I'm wrong. You're probably right
that those who use a scientific calculator would be able to work out
what it means. Peter is the accessibility expert here, so I defer to
his judgement on this one :)
Comment 10 Rich Burridge 2003-07-29 14:35:31 UTC
Well "<whatever> to the <whatever else>" was what I 
had originally, so by a democratic vote, I hereby reinstate
that wording for those three button. Re-re-fixed in

I agree, lets fine tune this when we've had feedback from
real users.