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Bug 117691 - Cursor keys do not work properly.
Cursor keys do not work properly.
Product: gnome-calculator
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Rich Burridge
Rich Burridge
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-17 15:53 UTC by Dennis Cranston
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Potential patch to fix problem on Linux - not sure where that leaves Solaris numpad. (1.68 KB, text/plain)
2003-07-17 20:43 UTC, Rich Burridge

Description Dennis Cranston 2003-07-17 15:53:46 UTC
Using RedHat Linux 9 and a US 105+ keyborad, the cursor keys do not
function properly.  (These are _not_ the keys in the numeric keypad.)  

Pressing the up, down, right, & left cursor keys generates: 8246.  Instead,
I would expect them to change the focused widget.
Comment 1 Rich Burridge 2003-07-17 17:06:23 UTC
Hi Dennis,

Could you add something like:

fprintf(stderr, "kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is %x\n", event->keyval);

near the beginning of the kframe_key_press_cb() function in gtk.c
please (about line 1358).

Rerun gcalctool, press those keys and tell me what you get.

Comment 2 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-17 17:42:06 UTC
Hi Rich,

I pressed the cursor keys in the following order: Up, Down, Right & Left.


   kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff52
   kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff54
   kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff51
   kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff53
Comment 3 Rich Burridge 2003-07-17 18:06:27 UTC
[Cc:'ing Owen for his take on this].

I get the same results on my Solaris S9U3 box.

According to .../gtk/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h

ff52 is GDK_Up
ff54 is GDK_Down
ff51 is GDK_Left
ff53 id GDK_Right

Trouble is these are exactly the same keysyms that get generated
(at least for me) when I use the Numpad arrow keys, irrespective
of whether I've got NumLock on or not.

Owen, any ideas of the best way to handle this?

Comment 4 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-17 20:32:31 UTC

For what it's worth, pressing the cursor keys on the numeric keypad in
the order Up, Down, Right & Left gives:

With the num lock key not set...
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff97
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff99
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff96
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ff98

And with the num lock key set...
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ffb8
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ffb2
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ffb4
kframe_key_press_cb: keyval is ffb6

Comment 5 Rich Burridge 2003-07-17 20:42:42 UTC
Which equates to GDK_KP_[2,4,6,8] when NumLock is set,
and GDK_KP_[Up,DownLeft,Right] when it's not. Which is
sane. Looks like Solaris keysyms are screwed.

Well a simple fix for Linux is to just remove GDK_Up,
GDK_Right, GDK_Left and GDK_Down from the keysym compare
tables in calctool.c. I'll attach a patch that does this,
though I'm not sure it's the right solution yet.

Adding Alan for Sun specifix X keysym comments here.
Comment 6 Rich Burridge 2003-07-17 20:43:35 UTC
Created attachment 18395 [details]
Potential patch to fix problem on Linux - not sure where that leaves Solaris numpad.
Comment 7 Owen Taylor 2003-07-17 20:55:40 UTC
Note that key syms are part of the X protocol ... if there
is a system where you dont' have:

#define XK_KP_0                 0xFFB0
#define XK_KP_1                 0xFFB1
#define XK_KP_2                 0xFFB2
#define XK_KP_3                 0xFFB3

then it's X incompatible. So, I really doubt the keysyms
are different on Solaris.

But I guess what you are saying is that your keymap is
not working properly, not that the keysyms are different.
You might want to check with a straight Xlib program
like 'Xev' to see if it's really the keymap that is
messed up or problems with the GDK key handling code.
Comment 8 Rich Burridge 2003-07-17 21:15:59 UTC
Here are the results of running xev on my Solaris machine:

Arrow keys, and numpad arrow keys (both with and without
Numlock key on) report:

Up    0xFF52
Down  0xFF54
Left  0xFF51
Right 0xFF53
Comment 9 Alan Coopersmith 2003-07-18 17:04:09 UTC
On my Solaris 9 SunBlade 100 with Sun Type 6 Unix keyboard, xev returns
Up, Down, Left, Right if the NumLock key is off.  (Yes, I know, it's
annoying, but it's historical.)  If numlock is on it returns KP_8, KP_4,

Our current XKB keymaps use the KP_ names for both modes, but XKB is not
yet on by default, so few users will see this for now.
Comment 10 Rich Burridge 2003-07-18 17:11:24 UTC
Okay, thanks Alan. It looks like I should just
apply the potential patch. Dennis could you try 
it out please and tell me if it fixes the problem 
for you?
Comment 11 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-21 19:07:29 UTC
Hi Rich,

The patch works.  After applying it, the cursor keys move the widget
focus accordingly, and the keys on the numeric keypad continue to work
as before.

Comment 12 Rich Burridge 2003-07-21 19:25:36 UTC
Thanks Dennis. Changes checked in. Fixed in v4.2.100.