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Bug 116944 - [PATCH] HIGify the various dialogs
[PATCH] HIGify the various dialogs
Product: gnome-calculator
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Rich Burridge
Rich Burridge
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-08 05:31 UTC by Dennis Cranston
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

A patch file. (6.54 KB, patch)
2003-07-08 05:33 UTC, Dennis Cranston
none Details | Review
Screenshot #1. (9.82 KB, image/png)
2003-07-08 05:33 UTC, Dennis Cranston
Screenshot #2. (38.22 KB, image/png)
2003-07-08 05:34 UTC, Dennis Cranston

Description Dennis Cranston 2003-07-08 05:31:20 UTC
Hi Rich,

I am attaching a patch to improve the HIGification of the edit constants,
edit functions, and insert ASCII value dialogs.  I will also attach
screenshots.  Let me know what you think.

Take care,
Comment 1 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-08 05:33:11 UTC
Created attachment 18121 [details] [review]
A patch file.
Comment 2 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-08 05:33:39 UTC
Created attachment 18122 [details]
Screenshot #1.
Comment 3 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-08 05:34:10 UTC
Created attachment 18123 [details]
Screenshot #2.
Comment 4 Rich Burridge 2003-07-08 15:23:50 UTC
Thanks Dennis. (Adding Calum to the bug report). 
Calum, you okay with these changes? I'm guessing
as they are visual changes (and I've just missed 
the UI freeze), that they will have to wait until 
GNOME 2.5/6.
Comment 5 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-08 15:45:57 UTC
From the 2.3 schedule, "July 7 - UI freeze - UI review period heats
up.  Changes to user interface may only be made in response to UI
review bugs (HIG compliance, consistency, etc)."  

I would think these UI changes would fall into the HIG compliance
Comment 6 Rich Burridge 2003-07-08 17:01:39 UTC
Okay Calum, thanks. Changes checked in. 
Fixed in v4.2.98.

Note that I made a few slight adjustments to
the patch as given. I removed tabs (tabs are evil),
reduced line widths to less than 80 columns
(to make it more readable), and adjusted
code to the OneTrueStyle(TM).

I also made the minimum width for the edit
constant/function popup to be 380 (from 360)
so you don't immediately have a horizontal
scrollbar for the default constant values
(because of the long description for the
first one).

I note that the "Note" part of the label 
telling the user that the constants are in 
decimal base, doesn't show up as bold on my
Solaris box, but should do according to the
<b> ... </b> tags in the string. Strange.

Breda, I've cc"ed you on this bug in case you 
need to make any changes to the gcalctool online 
help for this.

Comment 7 Breda McColgan 2003-07-22 14:38:43 UTC
Hi Rich,

I've finally managed to build gcalctool V4.2.98 and check this bug.

As we no longer include screenshots of the Edit Constants, Edit
Functions, or Insert ASCII dialogs, I don't think this bug affects the
online help. Or am I missing the point? Btw, the "Note" text does
appear in bold on my Linux box.

However, I did make some small updates to the Constants section of the
online help:

o Previously: C1, C2, and C3 displayed 10 decimal places. 
  Now: Changed each to 9 decimal places.

o Previously: C4 displayed the inverse value (2.5). 
  Now: Changed value and updated associated text accordingly.

o Previously: C5 and C6 displayed trailing zeroes.
  Now: Removed trailing zeroes.

I'll send you the updated doc file shortly, for review.

Comment 8 Breda McColgan 2003-07-22 17:43:30 UTC
Changes made in gcalctool Manual V2.5, now committed into CVS :)