GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 115611
Totals checkbox in Register report options not working
Last modified: 2018-06-29 20:34:11 UTC
I am using GnuCash 1.8.1 as installed with RedHat 9. I have an account, say, Expenses:taxes:Sales Tax with no subaccounts. It has many debits - when I buy something, and some credits - when I return a purchase. (All of these are splits because the tax is just a portion of the total bill on each purchase but I don't think that is related to the problem.) I double click on the account to open the Register. (I select a date range to reduce the size of the report - again, I don't think this is related to the problem.) I click the Report button on the toolbar (or in the menu, Reports > Account Report) and the report shows up as another tab back in the main GnuCash window. The report is titled "Expenses:taxes:Sales Tax - Register Report". So far so good. The problem is I need the report to show a debit total at the bottom of the debit column and a credit total at the bottom of the credit column. All it shows is the net total of debits minus credits. (Which, if Running Balance option is selected, and if the date range starts at "show earliest", is the same as the Running Balance on the last line.) I figured the Totals checkbox in the Report options would do this, but as far as I can see, it causes no change to this report whatsoever, whether selected or deselected. This is the bug, the Totals checkbox does not add totals to the report. The help describes this checkbox as "Totals: Charts display totals in the chart legend if this option is selected." which it seems only applies to the more graphical reports like pie and bar charts that actually have a Legend. But if so, it should be removed from the Register report (I would vote against this "solution" because there are many cases where the total debits and total credits are needed - like on my tax forms for instance). The better solution would be to correct the Register report so the Totals option behaves as expected.
Yea, the totals checkbox wasn't used at all, for anything. I'll take this.
I've added support for "Total Debits" and "Total Credits", which is turned on and off by the "Totals" flag. This is now fixed in CVS (Head and 1.8) and will be fixed in 1.8.5
The Debit/Credit col totals, despite #2, still appear to be unimplemented. As of gnucash-20040714-004047-cvs.diff, the function of the "Totals" button has been changed. It toggles on/off the display of the "Grand Total". There still are no Debit/Credit col totals displayed when "Totals" is selected. (was #2 ever committed?)
Yes, it was committed. It works just fine. Notice the title -- the REGISTER report.
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