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Bug 113654 - There should be specific icons or emblems for traditional UNIX directories
There should be specific icons or emblems for traditional UNIX directories
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
: 336813 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 622731
Reported: 2003-05-24 22:19 UTC by Ralph Aichinger
Modified: 2010-08-02 12:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Ralph Aichinger 2003-05-24 22:19:46 UTC
OK, this is mainly eyecandy, but I think that there should be 
specific icons for "important" traditional Unix directories, at
least those that have a clear "meaning". I am thinking about 
/etc, /bin, /usr or even /var/log and a few more.

Not the most important thing in the world, *not* for the average
user, but as a nice touch-up and to make Gnome the friendliest
*Unix* desktop.

Comment 1 Elijah Newren 2003-05-25 02:16:19 UTC
If you don't think it's for the average user (and I agree), why don't
you just create them yourself?
Comment 2 Christian Neumair 2005-05-30 14:47:11 UTC
Maybe, /usr/bin and /bin should have a binary emblem, and /etc should have a
screw-driver or something, and /var/log should have a Documents emblem.
Comment 3 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-11-07 13:42:17 UTC
I wouldn't like different icons at all, but emblems might be a good idea.
Comment 4 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-11-07 13:42:37 UTC
*** Bug 336813 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Allan Day 2010-06-25 13:32:26 UTC
I've punted this to gnome-icon-theme.
Comment 6 Jakub Steiner 2010-06-25 20:58:46 UTC
These are obscure locations only Linux geeks know about. These are a 'here be dragons' locations no user should be made to browse to (as in Firefox' open with, eek). I don't think these locations deserve a special treatment like the XDG folders.
Comment 7 Allan Day 2010-06-26 13:24:32 UTC
I'm inclined to agree with Jakub on this one.

XDG folders are special locations - that's why they have their own icons. 
The same kind of differentiation isn't possible in the context of the UNIX filesystem. If someone is messing with these kinds of directories they already know what they do.
Comment 8 Cosimo Cecchi 2010-08-02 12:53:41 UTC
Agreed; let's close this as WONTFIX.