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Bug 104249 - "New Constant" dialog comments
"New Constant" dialog comments
Product: gnome-calculator
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Rich Burridge
Rich Burridge
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-01-23 17:32 UTC by Calum Benson
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Proposed redesign of 'Add Constant' dialog (14.65 KB, image/png)
2003-01-31 18:44 UTC, Calum Benson
Partial patch. (19.02 KB, text/plain)
2003-02-04 21:08 UTC, Rich Burridge
Suggested patch for the 'Edit Constants' dialog. (22.15 KB, patch)
2003-02-07 06:28 UTC, Dennis Cranston
none Details | Review

Description Calum Benson 2003-01-23 17:32:35 UTC
- The widget packing is bit odd... the wider you make the window, the
bigger a gap you get down the right hand side, and the OK and Cancel
buttons get bigger, which should generally never happen.  This window
probably just shouldn't be resizable.

- OK and Cancel buttons should be right-aligned in the dialog, not centred

- All the controls should have mnemonics

- "Constant no:" is a bad label... shouldn't use abbreviations in labels
anyway, but this is confusing because it's not clear what the 'constant
number' is, or what the acceptable range of inputs is... it could easily be
confused for the 'value'.  A better solution here would be a drop down list
showing all the currently defined constants, from which you can choose
which slot to fill/overwrite.  (If there is no limit to the number of
constants you can define, the last entry on this list would be a new, empty
slot that you could select.)
Comment 1 Calum Benson 2003-01-23 17:36:39 UTC
Just realised these comments apply to the "Add function" window too.  

Both windows should probably also have a left-aligned Help button, but
especially the Add Function window where the user is given no clue as
to what format a function might take.
Comment 2 Rich Burridge 2003-01-29 15:45:04 UTC
Calum, thanks for agreeing to add a screenshot of the
desired new look to this bug in a day or two. With that
we should easily be able to implement what you want.
Comment 3 Calum Benson 2003-01-31 18:41:31 UTC
Here's a quick mockup of what the Add Constants window might look like
then... thought an editable list view might be nicer in the end,
provided you can specify only the second and third columns are editable...
Comment 4 Calum Benson 2003-01-31 18:44:43 UTC
Created attachment 14000 [details]
Proposed redesign of 'Add Constant' dialog
Comment 5 Rich Burridge 2003-02-01 23:35:00 UTC
Thanks Calum!  A couple further questions before I start
implementing this. As we discussed, the window should
be slightly taller so that there is no need for a vert.
scroll bar, but what about the UI for the following two

1/ the user has entered an invalid value (say a constant
   of 123.123.123)?
2/ the constant/function already exists.

With the current enter new con./fun. popups, either of
these two situations results in a popup with a description
of what the situation is, and cancel and okay buttons.

Something like:

Constant 4 already exists.
Okay to overwrite?

[Ok] [Cancel]

Now I presume that with the new layout design, as the
user can see that a particular con/fun slot already has
a value, that it is always okay to overwrite without 
asking the user, so that problem goes away, but what about
if they enter an invalid value? The only invalid value
worth checking at this point, is for constant definitions,
so perhaps the best solution here is, as the user is
typing a constant value in, check to see if what they
have typed constitutes a valid number. If not, then beep
and prevent invalid keystrokes from being entered.

Whadya think?
Comment 6 Calum Benson 2003-02-03 15:02:35 UTC
I agree, there's no need to alert the user that a slot is already
filled with this design.

As for invalid values... yes, you need to warn the user somehow, I
don't believe the HIG specifies which method is preferable though.  

Personally speaking, I get irritated by only being allowed to type
certain characters and being beeped at when I press anything else, so
I'd rather have a popup when I pressed enter or otherwise moved focus
out of the field.  On acknowledging the popup, focus would return to
the field and in this case, it would already be set to 'edit' mode so
the user could fix the mistake immediately.

However, it certainly wouldn't be wrong to do it the other way you
suggested, and in some ways it's better, so I guess the solution is to
choose whichever one you're more comfortable implementing :)
Comment 7 Rich Burridge 2003-02-04 21:08:05 UTC
Created attachment 14102 [details]
Partial patch.
Comment 8 Rich Burridge 2003-02-04 21:16:06 UTC
Adding Dennis to the CC:. I've attached a partial patch for the
changes required to provide the new functionality. I need some
help getting it all to work "as advertised". The remaining
(hopefully small) problems are:

1/ The buttons on the con/fun popup window aren't aligned as per
   the screenshot from Calum.

2/ I can't work out the magic to make the second and third columns
   editable, or I'm not understanding how you get them into an
   editable state (I just assumed you clicked on them). I suspect
   the former. My attempt to set an editable state is:

if (editable) {

    in the add_cf_column() routine in gtk.c

3/ The cell_edited routine needs to be checked to see if it will
   get called if the cells were editable, and that it does the right
   thing. One thing that will need to be added it to check that a
   constant value that is entered is a valid number and reject it 
  if it's not.

4/ The Help button needs to be hooked up. 

Any suggestions on how to do any of these would be very much
Comment 9 Dennis Cranston 2003-02-05 16:46:52 UTC

I have a working version of the 'Edit Constants' window at home.  I
want to clean up the code then I will attach a patch to this bug
report either tonight or tomorrow.
Comment 10 Rich Burridge 2003-02-05 16:56:46 UTC
Excellent. Dennis. Thanks. I'll concentrate on the other
gcalctool bugs today.
Comment 11 Dennis Cranston 2003-02-07 06:28:25 UTC
Created attachment 14181 [details] [review]
Suggested patch for the 'Edit Constants' dialog.
Comment 12 Dennis Cranston 2003-02-07 06:58:42 UTC
Hi Rich,

Sorry I took a while to respond.  I hope the answers below help point
you in the right direction. 

>1/ The buttons on the con/fun popup window aren't aligned as per
>   the screenshot from Calum.

See gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons().

>2/ I can't work out the magic to make the second and third columns
>   editable, or I'm not understanding how you get them into an
>   editable state (I just assumed you clicked on them). I suspect
>   the former. My attempt to set an editable state is:
>if (editable) {

Include the "editable" attribute when calling

>3/ The cell_edited routine needs to be checked to see if it will
>   get called if the cells were editable, and that it does the right
>   thing. One thing that will need to be added it to check that a
>   constant value that is entered is a valid number and reject it 
>  if it's not.

The validation code should go into a function attached to the "edited"
signal of the renderer.

>4/ The Help button needs to be hooked up. 
See gnome_help_display(). 

Is the future plan to merge gcalctool into gnome-utils?  

BTW -- when I lived in Sunnyvale, my employer at the time enrolled me
as a Sun Key member.  This meant I took several classes at the Sun
training center in Milpitas, and Sun gave me a nice pull-over sports

So my question to you, have I submitted enough patches to earn a new
Sun mouse pad? ;-)

Comment 13 Rich Burridge 2003-02-07 15:03:37 UTC
Hi Dennis. Thanks for the patch!  I'm a little confused
though. The make_constants_value() routine seems to
replicate the code in the make_fixed() routine in display.c.
Why do we need two, almost identical routines?  What does
the trim_zeros() routine do, that make_fixed() wasn't doing?

Also, from the naming of the routines, I get the impression
that your patch seems to be specific to dealing with just
constants. Is that correct? This is just from looking at the
patch in my browser. When I get to work I'll try it out. 
Comment 14 Rich Burridge 2003-02-07 15:50:58 UTC
Hi Dennis. I've now had a chance to try the patch,
and have found the following things:

1/ I can edit the description for a constant and 
   press the okay button, but it doesn't retain
   the new value. In other words, when I bring up
   the constants menu, the old description is still

2/ No popup is displayed for Function editing.

I will try to work out how you make the columns editable
and correctly align the buttons at the bottom, and
then update the original patch for that. I'll also
try to work out why it's not saving the new description.

Thanks. I think I've got enough information here to
finish this.
Comment 15 Dennis Cranston 2003-02-07 16:45:38 UTC
>1/ I can edit the description for a constant and 
>   press the okay button, but it doesn't retain
>   the new value. In other words, when I bring up
>   the constants menu, the old description is still
>   there.

Strange ... it works for me.  I can edit both the value and
description and the changes are saved and reflected when I press the
OK button.

>2/ No popup is displayed for Function editing.

I didn't implement the Edit Function dialog.

>I will try to work out how you make the columns editable
>and correctly align the buttons at the bottom, and
>then update the original patch for that. I'll also
>try to work out why it's not saving the new description.

You should really be using gtk dialogs for the windows.  I see you
prefer to create a regular window and then hide and show it.  This is
not how other gnome apps are coded.  Just create and destroy a gtk
dialog.  It would make your code easier to understand and debug.  Thanks.
Comment 16 Rich Burridge 2003-02-07 16:55:56 UTC
Actually, I'm taking your dialog approach for my new patch.
I just wasn't aware of it (being new to Gtk+ ;-) Combined
patch almost done (plus function handling as well).
I should be checking in a fix this afternoon.

PS: Working on your Sun mouse pad... ;-)
Comment 17 Rich Burridge 2003-02-08 00:33:40 UTC
Fixed in v4.2.45 of gcalctool.
Calum, could you check this out please and give it a try?
There might be some slight adjustments needed; I've given
it minimal testing. If there is anything not to your liking, 
please just add a comment to this bug and reopen it.
Dennis, thanks again for your great help on this.
Comment 18 Calum Benson 2003-02-18 19:09:37 UTC
I've had a play with it and it looks good.